Tampa Bay Academy of Hope - Mentoring Programs, Tutoring, …
Mentoring Programs - Tampa Bay Academy of Hope provides mentoring programs to at-risk youth and adults throughout Florida. TBAH also provides diversion and reentry programs for our youth. We also provide reentry for adults along with case management, education, and vocation training along with Job Placement.
Programs - Tampa Bay Academy of Hope
YouthBuild TBAH is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages 16 and 24 residing in Hillsborough County. The YouthBuild TBAH program simultaneously addresses several core issues important to low-income communities: affordable housing, education, employment, leadership development, and energy efficiency.
YouthBuild TBAH - Tampa Bay Academy of Hope
Youthbuild TBAH is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages 16 and 24 residing in Hillsborough County. The Youthbuild TBAH program simultaneously addresses several core issues important to low-income communities: affordable housing, education, employment, leadership development, and energy efficiency.
Tampa Bay Academy of Hope Of Tampa, Fl : About
TBAH is currently recruiting mentors for youth ages 10-24. Our youth are in need of role models and healthy adult relationships. If you would like to volunteer please apply here.
Jobs and Basic Skills Program (JOBS) - Tampa Bay Academy of Hope
TBAH provides comprehensive educational services which focus on the attainment of one of four initial outcomes: 1) attainment of a GED; 2) attainment of a vocational training; 3) attainment of an industry recognized certification; 4) attainment of a post-secondary degree.
Helping Offenders Prepare for Employment (H.O.P.E.)
Through the Helping Offenders Prepare for Employment (H.O.P.E.) program, TBAH fosters pre-release services and the attainment of industry-recognized credentials to improve the long-term workforce outcomes of returning citizens to our community.
Pathways to Success Program - Tampa Bay Academy of Hope
By teaching returning citizens foundational skills, such as job readiness, employability, and job search strategies, in addition to providing apprenticeships and occupational training leading to industry-recognized credentials, TBAH provides access to …
Fostering Aspirations: Mentor Engagement (FAME)
Tampa Bay Academy of Hope (TBAH) provides a comprehensive range of activities to enhance the mentoring experience: Monthly Activities: Engaging events and workshops for mentors and mentees to build skills, explore new interests, and strengthen their bonds.
TBAH eMentoring
TBAH E-Mentoring. Think back to when you were in high school and ask yourself: Knowing all that I know now, what guidance about college and careers do I wish I had gotten as a high school student? EMentoring is a chance to give that guidance to a high school student who, below the surface, is just as nervous and scared as you were.
Parent Leadership Advocacy Network - Tampa Bay Academy of …
TBAH teaches parents the techniques of advocating for their children. We provide education and employment training, parenting, financial literacy, healthcare, and life skills to our parents through this network.