Sako trg-42 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2006年12月6日 · The Sako TRG 42 is in a different league, it is a very good rifle, used as an issued sniper rifle by several countries and also comes with a different price tag, so it is not fair to the Savage to compare these two rifles.
Any opinions on a Sako TRG 42 in 300WM? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年6月3日 · Seems 3-4 years ago you could get a TRG 42 in 300 for about $2800, $2200 for a .308. I know the dollar has lost some ground but the big attraction to the TRG was the value for the price, at $4000 that's full custom rifle at a top shop territory.
What is the best scope for Sako TRG-42 in .338 Lapua
2021年4月21日 · I own a Sako TRG-42 in .338 Lapua. I am removing the Leupold Mk IV 8.5-25x50 from it. What scope and mount should I put on that rifle? I intend to use it for long range precision shooting. To me long range is past 900-1000 yards. I would prefer to spend less than 4 grand, may be $4500 for something that's really worth it.
Sako TRG 42 A1 | Shooters' Forum
2020年7月11日 · Purchased a TRG 42 A1 today in 300 Win Mag. What are reasonable accuracy expectations with handloads for the TRG? I am new to magnum rifles and to the TRG’s. Rifle is down the list for load work. Just curious how they shoot if …
SAKO TRG-42 factory trigger replacement | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年1月5日 · Call Berretta and double check, great customer service phone line. I had talked to them about older bolt and trigger TRG42 recently and it sounds like trigger is a exact swap out, for the bolt ( double plunger they would need the rifle and could do it costing est $400 +/- $100.
TRG 22 vs 42 regrets? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年10月21日 · Don't forget that there's a 300WM option for the TRG-42 as well, also in limited supply. Both the 300WM-42 and 260-22 cost a bit more due to limited numbers that they were sold. The only benefit to the 42 IMO is that they are priced such as they are. The 308/338 are priced the same new, mostly because the 338 isn't nearly as popular.
Trg 42 in 300prc | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年11月23日 · Trg 42 in 300prc. Thread starter jb41291; Start date May 11, 2022; jb41291 Bobby. Full Member. Minuteman ...
Sako TRG 42, .338LM, 1-10 twist , best bullet for 1 mile + shot?
2011年12月2日 · This is for all TRG 42 .338LM 1-10 twist barrel owners. For the ones who have shot a mile + with this rifle; what bullet got you the most consistency/accuracy at a mile and further? Because of the distance, mostly looking at Hornady 285 BTHP, 300 SMK, 300 Berger Hybrid OTM and 300 Lapua Scenar...
Suppressors Recommendation for Sako TRG-42 Suppressor?
2008年2月24日 · I'm pondering getting a can for my TRG-42. Primarily since it should be realtively easy to add one. (I've noticed that the Near break I'm using is super effective, but that when I'm practicing it really causes the shooters to me sides to suffer a bit.) What are the BEST options for a suppressor for a Sako TRG-42 in 300WM? GB
Want to sell: Sako TRG-42 .338LM - Shooters' Forum
2024年11月18日 · Sako TRG-42, .338 LM rifle *$3000* Great deal!!! Just no longer have a location to shoot the distance without a very long drive. Sako TRG-42, .338 LM rifle Brand new short action customs barrel- never fired @ 28” and badger ordnance 40 MOA rail With go and no-go gage Accu-Tac Bi-pod APA fat bastard break Redding Type S match Diet set with ...