What’s new at TPM | TPM24
Look no further than the new and dedicated meeting space in the Long Beach Convention Center, containing private partner meeting rooms, by-reservation tables at the TPM Café, open tables and more! LEARN MORE
About TPM | TPM24
TPM, organized by the Journal of Commerce by S&P Global, is the premier conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. Founded in 2001, TPM is based on an editorially independent and rigorous program developed by the leading team of specialized journalists covering international transportation and logistics.
The 2025 Cold Chain Outlook: Analyzing the Market Fundamentals
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM
The Premier Conference for International Container Shipping - TPM
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM
William B. Cassidy
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM
TPM Accelerator: The New Cold War, a Presentation White House …
Episodes of exclusive TPM content featuring interviews of key stakeholders and attendees. WATCH NOW
TPM Academy: Unraveling the Complexity of On-Dock Rail
In this TPM Academy session, veteran intermodalist and on-dock rail pioneer Ted Prince will discuss on-dock rail, how it’s changed and why, how it functions differently at different port gateways, the pros and cons of on-dock rail connections, what the alternatives are, and what shippers should expect.
Dustin Stoker
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM
TPM Academy: Understanding and Applying Incoterms Rules
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM
Cindy Allen - events.joc.com
The must-attend conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community. LEARN ABOUT TPM