MFJ KISS Mode Packet Controller TNC-X -- An Inexpensive TNC for VHFPacket and APRS! TNC-X is a low-cost, low power TNC currently deployed in thousands of locations all over the …
TNC-X is a Terminal Node Controller (kit) design based on the Chepponis/Karn KISS protocol. It is implemented using a Microchip PIC 16F628A microcontroller, a CML MX614 Bell 202 (1200 …
TNC-X - FET Technologies
The TNC-X is a basic KISS mode TNC that is designed by John Hansen, W2FS. It is available from Coastal ChipWorks either fully assembled and tested, or in kit form. It is based on a …
TNC-X Documentation
TNC-X Documentation . Manual USB Rev 4.0 Installation Instructions . Schematic Diagram . TNC-X Hookup Diagram. Older Design Hookup Diagram . TNC-X Source Code (ver 1.6) (.zip …
MFJ-1270X TNC - Universal Radio
The MFJ-1270X TNC-X is a low-cost, low power, self-contained TNC currently deployed in thousands of locations worldwide. This USB TNC derives it power from the USB port of your …
Discontinued MFJ-1270X - KISS Mode TNC-X, VHF packet/APRS …
TNC-X is a KISS mode TNC. It works with every packet radio software program that supports KISS mode. KISS mode makes it extremely simple to use. There are no complicated menus of …
MFJ 1270X TNC PACKET CONTROLLER - Chatt Radio Online Store
TNC-X -- An Inexpensive TNC for VHFPacket and APRS! TNC-X is a low-cost, low power TNC currently deployed in thousands of locations all over the world. Just connect your FM radio and …
Thank you for purchasing the MFJ-1270X TNC-X Packet Controller. The MFJ-1270X is a new Terminal Node Controller design based on the Chepponis/Karn KISS protocol.
TNC-X — An Inexpensive TNC for VHFPacket and APRS! TNC-X is a low-cost, low power TNC currently deployed in thousands of locations all over the world. Just connect your FM radio and …
Radioactive Networks: TNC-X
Radioactive Networks is pleased to offer the TNC-X USB Kiss TNC. We believe that this product is unique on the market and provides a perfect solution for interfacing vehicle tracking to …