DCGS-A Tactical Ground Station - General Dynamics Mission …
The vehicle-mounted Tactical Ground Station (TGS) is part of the Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A), the Army's primary capability for posting, processing and distributing real time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) information to intelligence analysts and commanders.
4 days ago · The TGS supports Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) execution to answer the maneuver Commander’s priority intelligence requirements and support their decision-making process in the...
DCGS-A: New TGS TM Makes Tactical Touchdown > Army …
TM 11-5865-1098-10 (Jul 20) is the new operator’s manual for the Tactical Intelligence Ground Station (TGS) AN/TSQ-179E (V) 2, NSN 5865-01-673-1760. The HMMWV-mounted system is part of the...
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TGS - smdc.army.mil
The Tactical Ground Station (TGS) is a prototype testbed developed to test and demonstrate the operational utility of Theater Command and Control with Tactical Low-Earth...
TITAN Brings Together Systems For Next Generation Intelligence ...
Sep 27, 2021 · TITAN subsumes the functionality of the Army’s legacy ground stations, including the Advanced Miniaturized Data Acquisition System (AMDAS) Dissemination Vehicle (ADV), Advanced Remote Ground...
DCGS-A is operationally suitable, provided the Army intensively trains DCGS-A users, and provides refresher training to units in garrison. DCGS-A is a complex system and the skills required to use it are perishable.
Distributed Common Ground System - Wikipedia
Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) is the United States Army's primary system to post data, process information, and disseminate Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) information about the threat, weather, and terrain to echelons. DCGS-A provides commanders the ability to task battle-space sensors and receive ...
Aug 22, 2019 · DCGS-A is the Army Service component of the DOD DCGS family of systems, providing multi-Service integration of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), and targeting capabilities. DCGS-A connects with the DCGS family of systems via the DCGS Integration Backbone (DIB).
DCGS-A: Help Desk Details > Army Sustainment Command
May 27, 2020 · DCGS-A is the Distributed Common Ground System-Army. It consists of more than 60 components, including laptops, work station computers, servers, processors and more. They allow the Army...
US Army orders new Tactical Ground Station system | Shephard
May 23, 2013 · General Dynamics C4 Systems will supply 10 vehicle-mounted Tactical Ground Station (TGS) systems to the US Army under an order announced on 22 May. The order includes options for 11 additional systems and has a value of $31.5 million with all options exercised.