TAI/AgustaWestland T129 ATAK - Wikipedia
The TAI/AgustaWestland T129 ATAK is a twin-engine, tandem seat, multi-role, all-weather attack helicopter based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta platform.
T-129 Labor and Parts Certification | Department of Revenue
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T129 Multi-Role Combat Helicopter - Airforce Technology
Aug 26, 2015 · The T129 is a twin-engine multi-role attack helicopter designed and manufactured jointly by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and Italy-based AgustaWestland to meet the requirements of Turkish Armed Forces. It is built based on …
T129 - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Drone Age", the T129 differs from the Italian A129CBT particularly in its armaments: instead of Hellfires, the T-129 is equipped with Turkish-made L-UMTAS and CIRIT missiles. The L-UMTAS have a very long travel time, which lowers the efficiency of the helicopter and allows them to be easily evaded.
TAI T-129 (ATAK) Dedicated Two-Seat, Twin-Engine Attack ...
May 22, 2024 · Technical specifications of the T-129 include a take-off weight of 11,023lb with a fuselage running length of 41 feet, an overall height of 11.2 feet and rotor diameter of 39 feet.
T-129 - 나무위키
튀르키예 육군은 A-129 INT를 기반으로 해서 미국의 롱보우 레이더와 비슷한 MILDAR SAR/ISAR 레이더 등 각종 최신형 전자장비를 장비한 T-129 공격 헬리콥터를 개발 중에 있다. 예산사정이 그리 좋지 못한 튀르키예가 이렇게 아낌없이 호화 옵션으로 도배할 수 있는 이유는 망구스타가 원래 저렴하게 개발된 헬리콥터라서 가격의 부담이 덜하기 때문이었다. 일장일단이 있는 셈이다. …
Top 10 most advanced attack helicopters in service in 2025
Feb 12, 2025 · Based on the A129 Mangusta – the seventh most advanced attack helicopter on our list – the T129 ATAK is a significantly upgraded version. Working with AgustaWestland, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) added a new engine, improved avionics, better weapons and enhanced durability.