terminology - What does t bag mean? - Arqade
2018年8月30日 · After reading some terminology questions I felt the need to add to the collection the term "t bag" / "t-bag" / "teabag". It is often heard and seen, usually but not limited to multiplayer games. So,
Can't throw loot bag in Payday 2 Crime Wave edition Xbox One
It's also worsened by the fact that depending on what's in the bag, you can no longer sprint. The only "fix" for this bug I know of is quitting the game and having the host invite me back in. However, I believe joining in on a game and completing it doesn't count as a win (you still get XP and money, but the game doesn't count it as a win on ...
What happens with excess items if my bag is full, and what
2016年7月19日 · Using a Pokestop will gain no items, with the message "Your bag is full". You will still gain 50 exp from using the stop though. At level 6, this isn't too much of an issue, from level 10 onwards though you may want to drop unused lower tier potions and Pokeballs to free space for Greatballs/Masterballs and Super Potions though.
world of warcraft classic - Do the /sit macro and/or mashing the X ...
2020年3月16日 · Reckoning is a Paladin's ability in Classic/Vanilla World of Warcraft (1.13/1.12). When fully leveled, after being subject to a critical hit, the user gets a "reckoning stack", becoming entitled to...
How to register an item to the SELECT button in Pokemon Fire Red ...
2015年7月15日 · An item in the BAG can be registered to SELECT for easy use. But how exactly do you do this? I tried pressing the SELECT button in the bag, but this just gives you the ability sort the items, it doesn't bind them...
Difference between using a bed or a sleeping bag in Rust?
2014年5月2日 · Beds are more expensive to craft than sleeping bags, requiring 40 cloth and 100 metal fragments (rather than 15 cloth for a sleeping bag). They can only be placed in a structure with a ceiling (whereas sleeping bags can be placed anywhere).
Is there a way to increase inventory size in Diablo II? - Arqade
2012年5月3日 · Spoiler alert (I won't put it in tags since the game's pretty darn old and you know the whole story before you're a third of the way through the full game): after rescuing Deckard Cain in Act 1, he will identify any items for you, for free, for the rest of the difficulty level (and if you really need to identify an item in Nightmare or Hell Act ...
payday 2 - How to effectively use the saw to open deposit
2013年8月26日 · Then, deploy the ammo bag and interact with it to activate Bulletstorm's effect. While the skill's effect is active (while your ammo won't be depleted), you just need to hold the fire button (no need to click) to open as many deposit boxes as possible. * Only two seconds of ammo non-depletion time will be added if you completely empty the saw.
world of warcraft - WoW - How to sell bound bags/pouches
2011年1月8日 · The equipped bag and the newly bought bag should switch spaces. I believe you can also simply drag the old bag into a bank bag slot, leaving the space in your inventory empty, after which you can simply drag the new bag into the empty space.
payday 3 - Where do the ziplines go on each heist? - Arqade
2023年9月24日 · It's possible that placing a zipline bag puts the bag in an easier spot to get to, but overall this bag is not useful. Touch the Sky: Zipline goes from the master bedroom to the loud escape on the balcony. This one is good in loud since it lets you secure the jewelry from the vault in the master bedroom via zipline rather than having to carry ...