T-70 - Wikipedia
The T-70 is a light tank used by the Red Army during World War II, replacing both the T-60 scout tank for reconnaissance and the T-50 light infantry tank for infantry support. The T-80 light tank was a more advanced version of the T-70 with a two-man turret—it was produced only in very small numbers when light tank production was abandoned. [ 2 ]
Soviet T-70 (1942) - tank-afv.com
The T-70 barely achieved greater speeds than the T-60 and its cross-country range of 180 km (110 mi) was 70 km (40 mi) less than the T-60, and half of a T-34/76 M1943. The T-70 was even less suited to taking part in the fast-paced, Soviet deep battle doctrine.
Т-70 — Википедия
Т-70 — советский лёгкий танк периода Великой Отечественной войны. Разработан в октябре — ноябре 1941 года на Горьковском автомобильном заводе (ГАЗ) под руководством Николая Александровича Астрова, ведущего разработчика всей отечественной линейки лёгких танков того периода.
1942 Combat Damage Analysis of the T-34 and T-70 tanks
2020年10月10日 · To replace the tens of thousands of tanks lost in the first six months of the war, in 1942, the Soviet tank industry introduced an improved variant of the T-34 medium tank, as well as a new light tank, the T-70, producing around 12,500 T-34 and 4,900 T-70 tanks that year.
T-70 > WW2 Weapons
Soviet light battle tank T-70 built 1942-43 during Second World War. History, development, service, specifications, statistics, pictures and 3D model. T-70 of the Polish forces which fought alongside the Russians from 1943. T-70 Type: Russian light battle tank. Develop of the T-70 by N. Astrov’s staff started right at the end of 1941.
T-70 Light Tank – Soviet Tank WW2 - Real History Online
2021年12月13日 · T-70 – Soviet light tank of the Second World War. Developed in October – November 1941 at the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ) under the leadership of Nikolai Alexandrovich Astrov, the leading developer of the entire domestic line of …
Everything To Know About The Soviet T-70 Tank - SlashGear
2024年1月31日 · While typically outfitted with limited offensive capability, the Soviet T-70 tank from WWII had some standout moments during the war, against the odds.