swag - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Braxton "swag" Pierce (born September 20, 1996) is a American professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player who is most known for his time in compLexity Gaming and iBUYPOWER. He was widely considered to be one of America's best young talents before being one of 7 individuals who were permanently banned from Valve events for their ...
Braxton 'swag' Pierce's Counter-Strike Player Profile - HLTV.org
Braxton Pierce known as swag, is a 28 year old Counter-Strike player from United States, currently playing for Vibe.
swag steps in for Cloud9 in ESL One NY qualifier | HLTV.org
2017年8月15日 · Braxton "swag" Pierce will play for Cloud9 in the North American closed qualifier for ESL One New York, the organisation has revealed. The 20-year-old hot-shot will fill in for Timothy "autimatic" Ta, who, according to a Twitter post from Jake "Stewie2K" Yip, will be "out of town" during the qualifier.
swag stand-in for C9 at cs_summit - HLTV.org
2017年4月13日 · Braxton "swag" Pierce, who made a name for himself representing the likes of compLexity and IBUYPOWER, will be standing in for Cloud9 next week at cs_summit. According to a report from Slingshot Esports, it is likely that swag will be coming in for Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham, who was recently hospitalized due to post-surgery complications.
CSGO战队介绍:分崩离析的北美豪门Cloud9 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2014年8月初,c9招入col的几人,其中包括:北美第一指挥seang@rea、残局大师hiko、舞王nothing、加拿大人semphis以及当时在col替补的shroud。 而当时col的另外一个正式成员swag则前往另一支著名的北美队伍ibuypower。 几天后,2014esl one科隆major正式开幕,他们作为上届ems one卡托维茨major的八强参加了这次比赛。 他们被分到了D组,与他们一组的是拥有法国狙神kennys的titan,丹麦三人组的dignitas,以及tyloo的老朋友rng前身vox。 进入淘汰赛之后,他 …
Swag 将代表 Cloud9 参加 ESL One 纽约预选赛 - recmg.com
Braxton “swag” Pierce(又名 Brax)将在 ESL One 纽约预选赛中代替 Tim “autimatic” Ta 在 Cloud9 上比赛。 据该队的游戏内负责人称,Autimatic 将在预选赛期间休假 杰克“Stewie2k”叶 。
Cloud9 - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
2025年1月13日 · Cloud9 (commonly abbreviated to C9) is an American esports organization founded in 2013. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Cloud9 are well-known for their underdog journey at ELEAGUE Boston 2018, becoming the first, and currently only, North American lineup to …
Swag:“‘#解禁Brax’?我觉得这并不会改变什么” - 搜狐
2017年5月6日 · 导语:Braxton "swag" Pierce是Cloud9的专职主播,但已被V社永久禁止参加V社赞助的所有大赛。 在今年五月份,由于C9中的 Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham 的伤病原因,他暂时替代参加了这次的CS Summit。
T1官宣:前CSGO职业选手Swag加入Valorant分部 - 百家号
2020年3月11日 · Swag是北美天才选手,曾经效力于ibp、C9战队。 “很高兴欢迎Brax(Swag)作为一名创造者与职业选手加入T1 Valorant分部,CSGO与FPS滴神! Swag选手本人也回应:“很高兴宣布我加入了T1成为了他们的第一个战术FPS选手,我非常乐意将自己在CS上的理解与知识运用到Valorant之上,我们都非常希望能建立出世界上最好的队伍,我有足够自信我们可以完成这些壮举”。 Swag选手年少成名,被誉为北美天才少年,然而由于在打职业期间存在打假赛行为, …
Swag to play for Cloud9 in ESL One New York Qualifier - Dot Esports
2017年8月15日 · Braxton “swag” Pierce, aka Brax, will be filling in for Tim “autimatic” Ta on Cloud9 in the ESL One New York Qualifier. Autimatic will be on vacation during the Qualifier, according to the team’s...
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