RM 250 spark plugs - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2007年3月25日 · Regarding the plug breakage issue, my RM 125 requires a special plug that sells for about $27. When I was jetting the bike I discovered that it ran perfectly well on BR8ES plugs (often used in high performance jetskis and snowmobiles) that cost less than 2 bucks. I now run the bike on an eqivalent Champion plug that costs $1.44.
Best years of the Rm250. - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2015年8月26日 · Hey guys well I just got myself a 2000 Rm250 for $1000 as my first bike. I was just wondering if it is a good year and if they have any common problems? What was the best year for the Rm250? Which one had the most power?
How did the RM 250 rate in 1997 ? is a good bike? - Suzuki 2 …
2011年7月1日 · In late 96 friend of mine bought a brand new 97 RM 250 which he must have put 300+ hrs on over 2 years up to late 98 when he sold the RM and bought a new 99 CR 250. He had the CR about 3 or 4 weeks before he traded it on a 99 RM 250, he still says the CR was the worst mx bike he has ever ridden and that his old 97 RM was the best bike he ever ...
Rm 250, Rmx 250.... - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2006年5月18日 · The RM motor evolved ahead of the rmx, so parts dont all interchange. But if you get an rm cylinder, head, and power valves, they should bolt on if from a similar year -- I've heard of people doing this. You'll also need a pipe for the appropriate RM year to match the size of the cylinder's exhaust port.
RM 250 Spark plug advice needed - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2011年6月27日 · Klotz is great stuff, but does burn fairly dirty. Run your oil at a 40-1 mix minimum, and check jetting. Running a #7 plug will eventually harm your motor
rm250 cdi box? - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2015年9月30日 · having a hard time finding a cdi box for my 95 rm250 so is there any other years that the cdi box was the same and would work for my rm or any ebay links would be helpful
RM 250 Carb Needle Advice - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2015年12月9日 · That's a typical RM setup, with the exception of the single ring and thicker dome of GP piston. For some reason your Euro spec'ed std jetting is richer our std jetting over here, which is NECJ #3, a 48 pilot and a 168 main. The power jet on the RM is on between 2-3000 rpm's, and then shuts off and is again on at 9300 to 10500 rpm's.
Fuel oil ratio rm 250 - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2009年8月31日 · My roomate has a 2000 RM 250 and needws to know the correct fuel oil mixture for 5 gallons. Ive been told 12 ouncews oil to 5 gallons of gas for a ratio of 40-1 and ive alos been told 16 ounces oil to 5 gal for 40-1?????
how do I find out what year my rm250 is - Suzuki 2 Stroke
2014年12月26日 · Hi update still not 100% but its a 90 rm frame with a 90 rmx engine from what I can figure out and has been fixed and riden and is good apart from a few minor problems which my new post will hopefully help solve (rmx 250 bogging out in first) thanks for all your help guys very much appreciated much love
what oils do you use in your rm250 - Suzuki 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2008年1月16日 · Fellow Floridian: First off, congratulations on your RM250 purchase. Nice bike. All modern name-brand oils are good. Although not an RM, I ride a '98 RMX250 and use Maxima Castor 937 for pre-mix - only because I want a sniff of the castor smell when burnt to reminisce about old times. In the gearbox, I've used Spectro 2-T gear oil for many ...