Sunshine City’s Official Site
4 天之前 · Ikebukuro-Tokyo’s Sunshine City is a large commercial facility comprising several leisure facilities including an aquarium, an observatory, the NAMJATOWN theme park, a planetarium, the alpa/ALTA. shopping centers and more.
池袋 サンシャインシティ オフィシャルサイト
Sunshine Days ファミリープロジェクト ファミリーにおすすめのイベントや、キッズレストランサービス、お子さま向け設備など、ファミリーの「うれしい・たのしい」をご紹介しています!
Shops / Services - Sunshine City
Information on Ikebukuro-Tokyo's Sunshine City’s shops. Read the latest news on promotional campaigns and information on stores selling fashion wear, miscellaneous and interior goods, , cosmetics, popular characters and more.
Business hours / information on premises | Sunshine City
Read information on Sunshine City’s opening hours, access routes and floor maps.
About Sunshine City | Business hours / information on premises ...
Sunshine City is an urban complex consisting of five buildings and comprising many different facilities including an aquarium, an observatory, shopping centers, offices, event spaces, restaurants, a hotel, a museum and a theater.
The panoramic view 251m up from the heart of cosmopolitan Tokyo delivers an abundant open-air experience. With spectacular views at night of tourist hotspots like Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, along with glittering motorways, the observatory is simply for all the nightlife aficionados and pleasure seekers.
Sunshine Days (僅限日語) 家庭企畫. 為您介紹各項「開心快樂」服務,包括推薦全家同樂的活動、兒童餐廳服務和兒童專用設備等等! Sunshine City “Chara-mori” 有超吸睛的各種卡通玩偶 “疊疊樂”聖誕樹 !歡迎大人小孩都來玩喲! 可持續性
Events / Exhibitions - Sunshine City
4 天之前 · Ikebukuro-Tokyo’s Sunshine City hosts different Events / Exhibitions every day. As you read these lines, some alluring events where you can enjoy and experience your favorite anime and popular characters, music, art and culture is taking place.
Sunshine Aquarium
2021年7月9日 · Read about the Sunshine Aquarium, an oasis in the heart of the city where you can have a fun time with your family or your date!
List of Restaurants / Food | Sunshine City
A list of the restaurants and food you will find in Ikebukuro-Tokyo's Sunshine City