SUITX Exoskeletons for daily work
Discover the benefits of SUITX exoskeletons for people working in physically challenging jobs like logistics, mobility and other industries.
SUITX by Ottobock - What drives us | SUITX
In partnership with Ottobock, SUITX develops highly efficient yet extremely lightweight exoskeletons, utilizing the distribution and marketing experience that Ottobock has in over 35 countries.
Powered by AIR-Drive® Ground-breaking shoulder relief harnessed through the power of natural body movement. The IX SHOULDER AIR is the lightest of its kind and allows full freedom of movement. All of our IX AIR Series exoskeletons function without a battery and use only the body's own energy.
Frequently asked questions | SUITX
SUITX exoskeletons are specifically developed to assist workers in performing physically demanding tasks and reduce the risk of injuries, fatigue, and strain associated with repetitive or strenuous work.
SUITX Exoskelette für den Arbeitsalltag
Entdecke die Vorteile der SUITX Exoskelette für Menschen, die in körperlich anspruchsvollen Berufen etwa in Automobil Industrie und Logistik arbeiten.
IX BACK AIR exoskeleton - SUITX
IX BACK AIR is optimized for people who move and need to be flexible: It reduces the strain on the lower back when bent over by 56-75 %. At the same time, it allows a high degree of freedom of movement, for example to operate a forklift, work in narrow environments (containers) or …
Papers about SUITX Exoskeletons
Studies on the effectiveness and efficiency of shoulder and back exoskeletons in general and SUITX exoskeletons in particular.
Entdecke die perfekte Lösung für Überschulterarbeit ohne Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit: IX SHOULDER AIR. Das leichteste Exoskelett seiner Art.
SUITX by Ottobock - Das bewegt uns | SUITX
In Zusammenarbeit mit Ottobock entwickelt SUITX hocheffiziente und dennoch extrem leichte Exoskelette und kann gleichzeitig auf die Vertriebs- und Marketingerfahrung von Ottobock in über 35 Ländern zurückgreifen.
IX BACK AIR Exoskelett | SUITX
Erleben Sie eine Entlastung des unteren Rückens um 15kg mit dem leichten und bequemen IX BACK AIR Exoskelett. 3 Jahre Garantie inklusive!