Sudare - Wikipedia
Sudare (簾/すだれ) are traditional Japanese screens or blinds, made of horizontal slats of decorative wood, bamboo, or other natural material, woven together with simple string, colored …
Sudare: The Nuanced Screens of Japan - moowon
Behind the sudare, which we often see hanging outside or inside traditional Japanese homes which craftsmen such as Mr. Tanaka painstakingly make, their legacy reminds us that culture …
Sudare Museum was established in 2004 at Kawachinagano Osaka where has been famous for producing "Sudare" (woven bamboo blind) as window covering. Our museum exhibits a …
すだれの歴史 | すだれ資料館 - Sudare
Sudare of origin 簾(すだれ)は、いつどのようにして世の中に誕生し、現在までどのような歴史を辿ってきたのでしょうか? 中国と韓国の文献の記録から、簾は中国を発端として日本へ伝 …
Characteristics and traditional manufacturing process of Sudare
Find out more about Sudare: characteristics, ancient manifacturing process, its history and representation in japanese art prints.
Sudare - Traditional Kyoto
Sudare are traditional window coverings that are made with horizontal strings of wood, bamboo or other natural materials. They are typically only used in the Spring and Summer. They let a cool …
Japanese Interior Supplies - Sudare (Bamboo/reed blinds)
Sudare (sometimes called misu) were made of slats of decorative bamboo woven together with simple string. They could be either rolled or folded up out of the way. Sudare are used in many …
中世のすだれ | すだれ資料館 - Sudare
Medieval Sudare 平安時代の「寝殿造」、室町時代の「書院造」などの日本的な建築様式の発達に伴い、御簾が登場しました。 御簾は室内から外の庭と一体化した空間を演出し、外部か …
Sudare - Wikiwand
Sudare are traditional Japanese screens or blinds, made of horizontal slats of decorative wood, bamboo, or other natural material, woven together with simple s...
Sudare (簾) - kyomachiyas Webseite!
Sudare are woven mats made of reed, bamboo or Japanese clover. The alternative spelling as 簀垂れ, "hanging mat", perfectly describes how they are used. During summer, sudare are …