About Dharmachari Subhuti | Subhuti: life & teachings
Dharmachari Subhuti is one of the closest disciples of Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order). Please check out …
Essays | Subhuti: life & teachings
Dharmachari Subhuti is one of the closest disciples of Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order). Please check out …
Selected Talks | Subhuti: life & teachings
Subhuti highlights the profundity of Ambedkar's teaching and example for the modern world as well as his insights into the truth of Buddhism. This talk was given at Padmaloka Retreat …
Subhuti's Books | Subhuti: life & teachings
In describing three important Buddhist symbols, Subhuti shows us how. The Wheel of Life depicts how we typically experience and respond to the world. The Spiral Path describes how we can …
Textos en Español / Spanish texts | Subhuti: life & teachings
Dharmachari Subhuti is one of the closest disciples of Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order). Please check out …
Dharmachari Subhuti “What is our fundamental philosophical position?”, mused Sangharakshita during a meeting of senior members of the Triratna Order in the 1980's. I was struck by his …
Dharmachari Subhuti Based on talks given in October 2010 at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in England The Dharma can be revolutionary – indeed, the Dharma is revolutionary, when it truly …
Dharmachari Subhuti This article, in Sangharakshita's phrase, 'rounds off the cycle of teachings' that began with Revering and Relying upon the Dharma, proceeding then to Re-imagining the …
re-imagining the buddha subhuti I feel it is also important to have this, so to speak, magical element, not just in our lives generally but especially in our spiritual lives.
Video | Subhuti: life & teachings
In this talk Subhuti speaks to a modern European audience on the incredible story of the great Indian leader. Subhuti highlights the profundity of Ambedkar's teaching and example for the …