Subaru 2.5 L engine - the worst engine ever? - Car Talk Community
2009年3月12日 · 4. Subaru recognized the HG problem in the 2.5 L SOC engines and in April 2002 implemented a “Service Campaign” to “fix” the problem, which Subaru claims only occurred in 1999 to 2002 model years. It is clear that the inadequate design of the head gaskets resulted in early external coolant leakage failures in numerous vehicles. 5.
2016 Subaru Outback - Wrong fuel - What now? - Car Talk …
2023年5月5日 · Some of these Subaru engines are difficult to change the spark plugs on, and at dealer prices, that will add up. That being said, on a typical vehicle with port fuel injection, it should not cost more than $1000 to solve this problem, and that’s assuming (on the high end) that the fuel tank is removed and cleaned, and that a new fuel pump ...
Subaru's over 100,000 miles - General Discussion - Car Talk …
2014年3月29日 · I am leaning towards a subaru Forester, used, in my price range the mileage will be high - over 100,000 -145,000. My previous experience with subaru is expensive repairs - head gaskets, water pumps, wheel bearing, axles, all seem to go over/around 100,000. I have found some with the mechanical issues mentioned that have been repaired, or addressed before …
2011 Subaru Outback 2.5liter vs 3.6 liter engine
2010年7月12日 · My inlaws(4 Subaru) all have achieved 225k-275k with their 4 cylinder (2.5L) Subaru engines with any serious repairs. The 225k had failed AC and only one that blew its head gasket and was traded in for another. The MPG will likely be better with the 2.5L by a good margin. However the 2.5L non turbo is nothing exciting to drive. I would never ...
Subaru engines compared 2.5 vs 3.0 - Car Talk Community
2011年1月16日 · Subaru engines compared 2.5 vs 3.0. Maintenance/Repairs ... 2011 Subaru Outback 2.5liter vs 3.6 liter engine.
Replacing just the head gasket vs. complete overhaul after …
2010年11月24日 · Usually, I would recommend installing a used engine from a salvage yard, but with a Subaru, finding a decent one may prove difficult…For a while, you could find used engines imported from Japan where they total cars for almost any minor accident and they are not permitted to sell salvaged parts…So they export them to the ready market in the ...
Lifespan of the 2019 Subaru Outback engine - Car Talk Community
2019年4月24日 · Go for the Subaru it is a great car and Subaru stands behind their vehicles. I’ve owned 5 Outbacks so far and every one has been a really good vehicle. If you have a problem get on the phone to Subaru corporate in New Jersey and they make it right. Now I’m waiting for the 2020 Outback XT Turbo, I hope the turbo is as good as the boxer 6.
Subaru Engine stalls when slowing down or stopping?
2007年12月12日 · I have a '05 Subaru Forester Xt Manuel transmission. When the engine is cold and I go to slow down and shift out of 3rd down to 2nd gear the engine stalls out. My subaru dealership has tried everything and so far no an…
OBD1 1992 Subaru Reader - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk …
2010年3月16日 · My 1992 Subaru Loyale with +213,000 miles turned the “Check Engine” light on. I haven’t noticed any difference in performance, no drop in oil pressure, higher temperature, or low battery. . She accelerates and drives the way she did before the light came on. The light doesn’t flash, it just stays on for an arbitrary period of time and occasionally shuts off or …
2016 Subaru Forester - Cam seal leak scam? (Say it five times fast)
2023年11月25日 · This seems to be a common problem on some Subaru’s. if you cannot see a leak and do not have oil drippings on your driveway, I do not think it is an immediate concern. but I would keep an eye on it and check your oil level frequently to make sure it is not getting worse. MC-10216980-0001.pdf (nhtsa.gov)