Begin within expanded spirit spheres and end in depths of your own soul: You’ll find the aims of gods when you can know in you your Self.” (when you can recognize your true Self) Luna, one …
Chapter 1: Of Our Spiritual Strivings | The Souls of …
Merely a concrete test of the underlying principles of the great republic is the Negro Problem, and the spiritual striving of the freedmen's sons is the travail of souls whose burden is almost beyond the measure of their strength, but who …
2020年2月25日 · The concept of doing everything that one does to their best of abilities, in the best way and form possible. If you knew me personally you’d know that I keep on stressing …
- 预计阅读时间:5 分钟
The Souls of Black Folk Full Text - Owl Eyes
Merely a concrete test of the underlying principles of the great republic is the Negro Problem, and the spiritual striving of the freedmen's sons is the travail of souls whose burden is almost beyond the measure of their strength, but who …
W. E. B. Du Bois on Black 'Double-Consciousness' - The …
Merely a stern concrete test of the underlying principles of the great republic is the Negro problem, and the spiritual striving of the freedmen’s sons is the …
- 预计阅读时间:7 分钟
The striving of the soul ! | Shaykh Sa’ad Abou Aziz - YouTube
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76. On the Striving of Spiritual Science — GA 46. Posthumous …
Spirituality and immortality of the human soul. Difference between good and evil. The foundations of ethics, politics and everything that is science, anthropology, aesthetics. — In addition, the …
(@strivingsouls) • Instagram photos and videos
Where is the soul’s desire? How many has it brought low, how many has it caused to slip and falter? People have only attained happiness by going against their lusts and desires.
The Five Obligolnian Strivings - Wisdom Waypoints
The first striving: to have in one’s ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for the planetary body. The second striving: to have a constant and unflagging instinctive need to perfect oneself in the sense of Being.
Striving Against The Soul - Da`wah - Counsels -
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "There are two impulses in the soul, one from an angel which calls towards good and confirms truth; whoever finds this let him know it is from God …