Steam Community :: SteamVR
SteamVR - Choose your own hardwareSteamVR is the ultimate tool for experiencing VR content on the hardware of your choice. SteamVR supports the Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality headsets, and others.What's the status?Stay informed of your VR system's status at a glance with the ever-present VR Status Monitor. Tweak and customize …
SteamVR Home: Winter Peak - Steam Community
2018年12月20日 · SteamVR Motion Smoothing improves upon the previously released Asynchronous Reprojection to enhance the overall experience for customers across a wide variety of VR systems. Not only can lower-end GPUs now produce smooth frames in applications that were previously too expensive, higher-end GPUs can now render at an even higher …
(Error 451) - "Your headset is connected to a host PC, but no video …
Is there a fix? I'm experiencing this too out of nowhere. Same use-case as above.
(SOLVED!!) SteamVR keeps crashing :: SteamVR General Discussions
2021年1月13日 · I reinstalled the SteamVR because it kept crashing and i was not able to play any game, not even the Beat Saber. Yet the SteamVR still crashed every time after I launched any game (otherwise the screen would freeze or became extremely laggy so I had to force it to quit). Does anybody have the same issue? My laptop handled Beat Saber and HL:A pretty well …
Steam Community :: Guide :: How to get OpenXR to work
2022年4月8日 · 1. Open Steam VR 2. Go to settings > Developer (enable Advanced settings) 3. From here make sure that the current OpenXR runtime is showing up as SteamVR
definitive method to reset or restore SteamVR to default / factory ...
2019年7月21日 · Manually clear SteamVR settings: In certain scenarios, like changes the SteamVR settings or has used 3rd Party VR software, Steam/SteamVR will start to behave unexpectedly. Despite it is recommended to reinstall both Steam/SteamVR on these scenarios, it is possible to clear the current settings and enforce a clean setup of all the system again.
So i want to play SteamVR, but it says my GPU isn't supported
2022年1月17日 · What? I’m still a bit of a pc noob so may be missing something but all I did on my legion 5 (which is a laptop) was disable hybrid mode on the vantage app, then entered the bios by holding shift while clicking restart, then choose troubleshoot, then select UEFI or whatever it’s called, then select discrete graphics instead of integrated graphics.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Quest3とPCをUSB有線接続で快適に …
SteamVRの解像度乗算器機能は適切に利用するとVRゲームの体験品質を著しく向上させると思います。軽いゲームはより美しく高解像度に、ヘビーな処理を行うゲームは低解像度にすればなめらかになります。 それでは皆様、良いゲームライフを!
SteamVR will not open, closes itself on launch.
2022年1月20日 · Steamvr starts and will lolad into steamvr home. I have been having another issue after I got this working, which is that no games iwll load in VR except The Forest and google earth for some reason. Every other game that has vr fails to show up in the headset, only as a window on the desktop.
how to set 120hz or 144hz in steamvr settings
While there are refresh options on VirtualDT and/or SteamVR I find most of my games are using 72hz - looks/works fine to me. As for the battery in the Quest2 - I do my VR gaming in a easy chair and the Quest2 headset is almost always plugged into a USBC charge cord going to a wallwort off to my left.