How do i change the playing resolution for Starcraft??? - Sharky …
2008年3月9日 · I couldnt find an option that allowed me to change the games res. It wasnt this big on my old computer or my old 15" monitor. My monitor is a NEC FE700 and my desktop is set …
Duron - Wikipedia
The original Duron processors were derived from AMD's mainstream Athlon Thunderbird processors, the primary difference being a reduction in L2 cache size to 64 KB from the Athlon's 256 KB. This was a relatively severe reduction, making it even smaller than the 128 KB L2 available on Intel's competing budget Celeron line. However, the originating Thunderbird architecture already featured one of the largest L1 caches at 128 KB (which was not reduced in …
Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:5 分钟
深扒AMD处理器辉煌史:曾数次吊打Intel-AMD,处理器,速龙,锐龙, …
2000年6月,AMD正式区分高低端产品线,推出了主流入门级别的Duron处理器。 因其谐音,我们叫它为“毒龙”。 短暂的四年市场周期,毒龙经历了 ...
Samir Duran - StarCraft Wiki
- "Samir Duran" and "Emil Narud" are but two of the many names used over the millennia by a xe…
Duran took many guises and roles throughout the conflict, including a member of the Confederate Resistance Forces, an advisor in the United Earth Directorate, an infested terran consort to Sarah Kerrigan, head of the Moebius Foundation and the Terran Dominion Hybrid Breeding Program, …
- "Samir Duran" and "Emil Narud" are but two of the many names used over the millennia by a xe…
毒龙 - 百度百科
2000年7月,基于全新Socket A架构设计的Duron和Athlon 处理器 正式进入市场,引起了业界的震动,Socket A架构处理器在当时带动了整个电脑市场的发展。Athlon XP——Socket 462接口 …
List of AMD Duron processors - Wikipedia
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毒龙处理器 - 百度百科
AMD公司在8月20日推出速龙4(Athlon 4)及毒龙(Duron)芯片系列的新产品。 AMD公司刚刚发表了移动版本的1.1GHz速龙芯片以及900MHz毒龙芯片,并宣布 康柏电脑公司 的Presario 1200笔记本将采用上述两款芯片。
AMD Duron - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Samir Duran (StarCraft) | StarCraft Wiki | Fandom
Samir Duran appears as a ghost hero unit in the missions "First Strike," "Ruins of Tarsonis," and "Patriot's Blood." He also appears in a cutscene as an NPC hero in "To Chain the Beast." In "Drawing of the Web," Duran appears as Infested …
AMD Duron - super budget CPU - VOGONS
2002年7月22日 · I once had an 800mhz Duron (Spitfire) paired with a nice Epox 8KTA3+ mobo. I'm sure it performed the same or even better than the more expensive (at the time) PIII CPU's …
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