[Tutorial] How do download Reshade for SSO : r/StarStable - Reddit
2022年2月5日 · Reshade has been around for many years and is used by many gaming communities, not only by the Star stable one. If you are unsure about using reshade, dont use it. Personally i havent had any bad experiences with Reshade, but i wouldnt want you to use a program you arent comfortable using.
ReShade features its very own shading language and compiler, called ReShade FX.The syntax is based on HLSL, adding useful features designed for developing post-processing effects: Define and use textures right from the shader code, render to them, change renderstates, retrieve color and depth data, request custom values like timers or key states, ...
Downloadable Presets for ReShade! : r/StarStable - Reddit
2024年1月26日 · The unofficial community run subreddit to discuss all things Star Stable Members Online I haven't seen anyone mention it yet on this subreddit, but what do you think about new jumping course with faults that SSO introduced yesterday?
Reshade help! : r/StarStable - Reddit
2021年9月19日 · Hello! I've been trying to install reshade with SSO for a while now but when I open the game, reshade doesn't open with it. I used Star Stable Online.exe and set the API to OpenGL as shown in recent tutorials but it don't get the notification in the top left saying that reshade has opened with it.
reshade : r/StarStable - Reddit
2023年6月1日 · Go into your client Star Stable folder where Reshade is downloaded (mine as an example. "F:\World of Horsecraft AB\Star Stable Online - Post Failure\client") and open up Reshade configuration settings, then under [GENERAL] make …
SSO naturals -reshade optimized : r/StarStable - Reddit
2021年7月24日 · basegame left side/ before - after/ reshade right side. what you need: • a downloaded and correctly installed reshade version running with SSO. • the filters you chose when installing reshade ( the .fx are required for my file to work) : - LocalContrastCS.fx - HSLShift.fx - ContrastStretch.fx - FXAA.fx and FXAA.fxh - FineSharp.fx ...
Reshade : r/StarStable - Reddit
2024年1月1日 · The unofficial community run subreddit to discuss all things Star Stable Members Online So I reached 6000+ Winter Magic (aka snowflakes) and the game turns a little big brighter after finishing talking to Fumble's quest as the 6k reward.
Reshade presets : r/StarStable - Reddit
2023年11月18日 · The unofficial community run subreddit to discuss all things Star Stable Members Online sso ideas: getting paid for training or taking the npc horses in moorland out for a hack. we could go on a hack with another npc like one of the bobcats and go to horse camp and back, or around moorland. or we could tack up one of the horses and take them ...
Can you get banned/suspended for downloading reshades?
2023年10月10日 · The unofficial community run subreddit to discuss all things Star Stable Members Online tutorial : how to make endless jorvik shillings (tens of thousands per day) to use on tack and clothes, so you can save all of your star coins on horses 💕
Problems with ReShade : r/StarStable - Reddit
2021年12月28日 · The fog, DOFs, wet ground and the like don't work. I installed reshade to client, reinstalled it to the launcher, installed in to the both of them, reinstalled sso itself, tried four different versions of reshade, nothing. works. The interesting part is, when the game is loading, like when it says "logging into server" or whatever THE FOG IS THERE.