Stanley No. 4 Plane - Type Identification. Type 13 (1925 - 1928)?
2013年8月16日 · My question is this: I was doing my research using the RexMill Stanley bench plane type study (great resource), and zeroed in on the Type 13 model from years 1925-1928 …
Need help identifying year of Stanley planes
2023年12月23日 · I think my planes have the raised ring around the knob, and no patent numbers. The castings have no lip at the heel and toe. The lateral adjusters have "Stanley" …
hand plane identification | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2007年11月10日 · that plane is a Stanley Defiance model - post WW2. it was one of their economy models. the frog is pretty substandard, unfortunately, as far as planes go. I found …
Identifying Stanley Frogs & Plane Iron - LumberJocks …
2019年9月30日 · Identifying Stanley Frogs & Plane Iron Jump to Latest 4.4K views 6 replies 4 participants last post by adot45 Oct 1, 2019
Stanley No. 7 Identification | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2011年6月30日 · Stanley No. 7 Identification Ok, so I found this plane at an estate sale a few months ago. I decided to finally give it a make over when I started trying to ID the type. Using …
Stanley No. 220 age and value? - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2016年6月25日 · Hey everybody, so I recently volunteered at my local ReStore and I found this Stanley No. 220 block plane for 8 dollars. It has pretty good japanning and has a rosewood …
Identifying a Stanley No. 5 Plane - LumberJocks Woodworking …
2011年3月29日 · Also has "Stanley" engraved along the length of the lever, towards the top end from the patent marking. - Adjustment Knob Inner Surface: unable to read all of the text but …
Dating Stanley no. 45 combination plane - LumberJocks …
2017年10月17日 · I need help dating this Stanley no. 45. I picked this one up on eBay last week for $30. I believe it's a late 1890's model, but can't nail down the exact type. It has the floral …
Mystery Plane Identification? - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2023年3月6日 · The photos below show a plane that I recently acquired that I thought was likely a scrub plane based on the lever cap design with no actual frog, looking like a Stanley #40 scrub …
How to identify a hand plane with next to no markings?
2019年4月8日 · Yes, definitely a block plane, not sure who your maker is, but that is a clone of the Stanley 110 I've got two of them, but have found that they're a real pain in the butt to adjust, I …