Dead-simple FTP server for Windows? - Super User
2017年3月13日 · Thanks for the link. smallftpd-1.0.3-fix insists on creating a user account + doesn't support "ls" or "ls -al". FileZilla FTP Server seems even bigger and is not available without an installer; I googled for "FileZilla Server portable", but it doesn't seem available (old messages from circa 2006). –
windows - FTP server via command-line - Super User
2012年1月23日 · For timestamp-sensitive tests another command line server compliant with almost any RFC I've heard of is the Apache 100% pure Java FTP server. It's little bit more complex to setup and little bit slower to launch and shutdown and requires Java but it is more capable (standard-wise) then the SFK
linux - FTP Server - Do you really need it? - Super User
FTP still sucks whether a standalone daemon or Apache does it. If you can ssh into your server, you can use WinSCP or equivalent with likely very little or no additional setup, to accomplish the same thing much more securely and with no additional port configuration or passive/active nonsense to worry about. –
linux - Use Cygwin ftpd standalone - Super User
For sharing files between a guest Linux running in a virtual machine and the host system, the plain old FTP seems sufficient to me. I intend to use the host, Win7 + Cygwin, as the FTP server. How-to's I have seen configure the FTP server as a Windows service. Is it possible to run ftpd.exe directly, as a standalone executable? I appended to ...
What are the basic steps to set up an FTP server? - Super User
2009年6月11日 · for testing, first try connecting to the FTP server on the same machine as the server (e.g. ftp Then, try connecting from another machine on the LAN to the server IP address. Lastly, connect from the internet. If the last test fails, the router may not be configured properly. This is probably more than you wanted to know...
How to open multiple FTP servers on different ports on Windows …
2015年8月13日 · Windows have an FTP server built-into the IIS. See my guide on Installing Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS. It shows how to setup a single server only. To setup multiple servers, repeat the Adding Standalone FTP Site section for each site you need.
windows xp - FTP Server for WinXp - Super User
2013年8月25日 · The components you will need are: 'Common Files,' 'File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service' and 'Internet Information Services Snap-In.' Uncheck any others then click next. IIS will configure itself, and you may be prompted for the XP CD. After IIS has been installed, an FTP site is automatically created for the directory 'c:\inetpub\ftproot.'
linux - Cannot access FTP (vsdtpd) from LAN using public address.
2022年1月29日 · I cannot access my ftp server (vsftpd) from LAN network (the same where server is running) using public IP address. It works only through local IP. Works through public IP, but outside my network. However, connecting to http server works perfect inside and outside my network. Here's my vsftpd.conf and port forwarding configuration.
FileZilla FTP Client Portable - FileZilla Forums
2019年5月3日 · FileZilla FTP Client Portable It'd be nice to have. ... "Portableapps" FileZilla FTP Client Portable can't update itself. -- Portableapps-FileZilla says updates are available, updates the program files directory, instead of the portable directory, so it doesn't work. ... So I'd imagine portableapps can't get filezilla portable to work properly. ...
Which is the folder of my ftp server in my website? - Super User
Oh. I misunderstood. I was talking about if you were using FileZilla or FTP or something. For an unathenticated browser, that's going to be anonymous access, and you'll probably want to set it up so there's permissions to access your public_ftp folder. (chmod -R 744 public_ftp). I'm guessing the files will then show up when you browse to it. –