a multi-faceted interactive instrument designed to measure high sensitivity. Please choose your language: Assess your sensory processing sensitivity by filling out the online questionnaire. View scientific articles or norm scores of the SPSQ or information about the developers.
The Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ)
A short portable mental status questionnaire for the assessment of organic brain deficit in elderly patients. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. 23, 433-41.
How to Use the Sensory Processing Sensitivity Questionnaire ...
Oct 28, 2024 · Once you complete the questionnaire you will see an overal score, a breakdown of the score, and a SPSQ profile in the form of a spider web, comparing your results to the average responses. What I Learned from the SPSQ
Development and validation of the SPSQ-26: A short form of ...
The aim of this article was to develop an abbreviated version of the Sensory Processing Sensitivity Questionnaire (SPSQ), that maintains a similar factorial structure to the original and demonstrates good psychometric properties. The Short Form of the SPSQ (SPSQ-SF) was developed using a split-sample validation design.
Sensory Processing Sensitivity Questionnaire: A Psychometric ...
Thus, the aim of this study was to offer a newly developed tool, the Sensory Processing Sensitivity Questionnaire (SPSQ), and to assess its psychometric properties and associations with emotional and relational variables measured during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Software Productivity, Sustainability, and Quality - NITRD
The Software Productivity, Sustainability, and Quality (SPSQ) Community of Practice (COP) coordinates Federal R&D to achieve orders-of-magnitude reduction in software defects and the time and cost of developing and sustaining software.
The Different Faces of (High) Sensitivity, Toward a More ...
Feb 17, 2022 · To find out if the SPSQ consists not only of a general sensitivity factor and specific factors that each map a different aspect of Sensory Processing Sensitivity, but also of clearly distinguishable higher-order positive and negative dimensions, a …