Complete Guide to Spotted Bee Balm, Monarda Punctata
Spotted Bee Balm is a native short-lived perennial or annual wildflower native to North America, mainly East of the Rocky Mountains. Scientifically known as Monarda punctata , it grows 2-3′ …
Monarda punctata (Spotted Bee Balm) - Gardenia
Noted for its pagoda-like flowers, Monarda punctata (Spotted Bee Balm) is a clump-forming, short-lived perennial or biennial, boasting showy clusters of creamy purple-spotted tubular …
Monarda punctata (Bee Balm, Dotted Beebalm, Horsemint ...
Rosettes of yellowish, purple-spotted, tubular pubescent flowers occur in whorls, forming a dense, elongated spike at the end of the stem or from leaf axils. Each whorl is subtended by large, …
How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Spotted Bee Balm
2024年6月13日 · Spotted beebalm is also referred to as dotted beebalm, horsemint, spotted horsemint, dotted horsemint, and monarda. This herbaceous perennial is in the same family as …
Monarda punctata Spotted Bee Balm | Prairie Moon Nursery
Spotted Bee Balm (also called Dotted Mint or Dotted Horsemint) prefers sandy soils and full to part sun. This Monarda is more tolerant of drought and intense sun than most in the genera. …
Spotted beebalm - Florida Wildflower Foundation
Spotted beebalm (Monarda punctata) (also known as Dotted horsemint) is a robust, aromatic wildflower that occurs naturally along roadsides and in meadows, pinelands, and disturbed …
Grow & Use Spotted Bee Balm (Horsemint) - Unruly Gardening
2022年7月25日 · Spotted bee balm (Monarda punctata) is a stellar pollinator plant in the mint family which attracts all kinds of native bees and butterflies to your garden. As a bonus, the …
Spotted Beebalm facts and benefits - Health Benefits Times
2018年11月6日 · Spotted Beebalm is an aromatic, erect herbaceous perennial plant that grows about 1 feet to 3 feet (0.3m-1m) tall. The plant is found growing in sand prairies, hill prairies, …
Monarda punctata - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Monarda punctata, commonly called spotted beebalm, is a short-lived, herbaceous perennial native to the eastern U.S. and typically occurs in dryish soils on prairies, sandy areas and …
Spotted Bee Balm (Monarda punctata) - Illinois Wildflowers
Description: This perennial wildflower is 1-3' tall and unbranched or sparingly so, except for short leafy stems that develop from the axils of the leaves along the central stem. It is usually a …