How to make paint 'Spatter' finish like from the factory?
Feb 4, 2004 · There was a discussion on this a long time ago on Fiberglassics.com. A guy rebuilt a 50s runabout and wanted the splatter. He ended up using a gun, and I can't remember exactly what type or nozzle he used. I almost want to say he used a gun for undercoating, something with a large nozzle, and used low pressure. I can't remember the specifics.
Splatter paint effect using hopper gun - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 13, 2021 · I'm going to be trying to respray the gellcoat on my 1973 trihull. It has a splatter paint look that is really nice, easy to wash, grippy and durable. I'd really like to get it close. I've been worried about using smaller sprayers to get the look because for it to go through the gun, it needs thinned and doesn't "stand" as well.
454 crusader backfires thru carb at wot - iboats Boating Forums
Nov 26, 2003 · Re: 454 crusader backfires thru carb at wot hello<br /> yep what bubbakat says. timing is quick and easy to check and can cause that problem. its easy to eliminate it as a cause. a leakdown test will be more accurate than a compression test for this action.
Help, Yamaha 150 HPDI, engine surging - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 18, 2008 · you simply cannot splatter gun trouble shooting this engine. its a very precise rig that MUST be maintained or it pops. the HPDI is very similar in engineering to the Optimax, TLDI and E-TEC. the fuel used for combustion is placed in the cylinder after the piston has moved up and closed of both the intake air port and the exhaust port.
spatter paint effect | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Apr 7, 2014 · Re: spatter paint effect I got a nice effect on mine using Rustoleum, a Wallpaper Glue brush, and a stick. I put 1/4" of Paint in a Cake Pan dipped the brush in the paint the held the brush about 1 foot above the deck and tapped it with the stick.
Duplicating "Splatter" Paint Finish. - iboats Boating Forums
Dec 31, 2007 · Re: Duplicating "Splatter" Paint Finish. Texfish, Years ago General Motors used a "Spackle Paint" (it could be bought aftermarket, in a spray can) to give a splatter finish (multicolored) to their trunk interiors. I have seen a few boats with a similar finish on the inside of the hull, on rough fiberglass.
Spraying or rolling gelcoat?! - iboats Boating Forums
Feb 24, 2012 · As far as gelcoat application..well thats just the nature of the beast man. I use a 2 qt pressure pot gun to spray full gel jobs. It requires minimal reduction after additives ( mostly to increase pot life ). But you still have a lot of sanding to do. Gelcoat is not hard to apply. Its a Pain to finish if your not used to sanding for a living.
Good staples for upholstery? - iboats Boating Forums
Jul 11, 2012 · Re: Good staples for upholstery? Thanks. The backing boards on my seats are 3/4" marine plywood so plenty of depth for a staple to grip into.
Reliable sure lube hubs | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 26, 2023 · I have a 95 Ranger Trail trailer with this type of setup, but mine isn't a grease fitting. The grease gun needs a needle type attachment instead of the regular grease gun fitting. It's a really good system. What I see at the Trailer Parts Depot site is just a dust cap with a grease fitting; not the same thing.
Yamaha 25HP 2006 2-stroke fuel problem - iboats Boating Forums
Dec 18, 2009 · I have a 25hp 2-stroke that has a fuel problem. The engine starts on the 2nd or third pull and runs along just fine but after running at medium speed for 2 miles or more the engine then will die out. If I pull out the choke half way the engine will keep running. I have taken the carbs apart and...