Best Splake Advice | Michigan Sportsman Forum
2020年2月22日 · Mackinac Lake Huron HESSEL (42N 01W 28) HESSEL Splake 05/02/18 14,211 State Plant 8.15 Mackinac Lake Huron HESSEL (42N 01W 28) HESSEL Splake 05/04/18 15,789 State Plant 8.11 I’ve made improvements on being humble, and I’m pretty proud of that.
Michigan DNR urges anglers to keep an eye out for marked splake
2024年10月13日 · Fisheries managers have also learned that identifying the correct fin clip on splake can be difficult to do while fishing, which poses a challenge for collecting data for the evaluation study. If you catch a splake, inspect it for missing fins or a clipped jawbone, indicating that the fish has been 'marked,'” the DNR wrote in the release.
Lake Louise\Thumb Lake. | Michigan Sportsman Forum
2024年7月30日 · He sure knew how to fish those splake and trout through the ice not only on Thumb Lake / Lake Louise but on Walloon Lake and Lake Charlevoix, too . That was also a good spot for spake in summer. It’s right off the Methodist camp on the SE end of the lake..
Catching Splake - Michigan Sportsman Forum
2020年7月11日 · Splake are the easiest to catch among the trouts. Thats how they fight their just tuggers dont fight til near the boat still go nuts even in the net. I use a 2 weighted sonic spinner probly goes down about 10-12 ft. Need a boat and what you have for one will say where you can go
Splake? | Michigan Sportsman Forum
2007年11月6日 · Splake also have the highest return rates of any salmonid planted by the MDNR making them the perfect put and take sport fish. Splake are in no way evil fish or in any way a mistake to plant IMO. Brown trout, coho salmon, and steelhead have had a far more detrimental effect on the coaster reintroduction efforts on lake superior then splake have ...
Splake - Fischarten - Fishing Planet Forum
2017年10月9日 · Splake Der Splake (Salvelinus fontinalis X Salvelinus namaycush) - dies ist eine Kreuzung aus männlichem Bachsaibling und weiblichem Amerikanischen Seesaibling, die in vielen Kaltwasserseen und Teichen der USA ein beliebter Sportfisch ist.
white moose lake - General discussion - Fishing Planet Forum
2017年12月15日 · 18lb. Uni Splake. Left hand side of dock. Using 1-1/2" #4/0 Medium Green Tiger Spoon casting close to the left hand shore line at 180'. 7lb.Uni Brook Trout. Right had side of dock. Using 30' #2/0 Perch Crank Bait. Casting as far as I could toward the dead tree closet to the outlet. Had a fair share of trophies thrown in here and there.
Unique Splake - General discussion - Fishing Planet Forum
2017年12月22日 · Thanks but 4 days on that netted zero splake caught. Not one single splake and I covered the area from the burbot unique to the almost where the salmon start. 145ft out during all the peak and unique times. Caught my typical 2 per game hour fish, lake trout, burbot, perch, brook trout, and salmon., even 1 pike.
Maceday Lake trout, Splake, and Rainbow Trout
2016年1月3日 · I have seen guys do well on splake early, early season with minnows on the first break. That is inhabited by more warm water fish this time of year. I do better early season on lakers, my latest was 4 th of July a few years back. I seem to catch pike late season. So to answer your question, I don 't have any advice , sorry.
Splake Thread | Michigan Sportsman Forum
2015年10月28日 · The LSBT used these criteria to compare splake stocking success at Munising, Marquette, Copper Harbor, and Keweenaw Bay. The results provide a transparent approach to compare planting sites, and to help justify potential changes to splake stocking activities at sites. The criteria can also be modified to use when considering new stocking locations.