Spiritual Maturity - CBN.com
Spiritual Maturity. As we grow through tests and trials in our relationship with God, we learn to trust Him through ALL things. This is the essence of spiritual maturity.
Spiritual Maturity and Emotional Maturity Are Connected
2020年12月11日 · Emotional health and maturity and spiritual health and maturity are inextricably linked. It is difficult, if not impossible to be a spiritually healthy person if you are not an emotionally healthy/mature person. The emotionally mature are stable enough for spiritual formation to take place. They have a robust sense of who they are to be […]
Homeostasis – The Challenge of Spiritual Maturity
2007年9月10日 · When some things stay the same too long we stagnate and our faith is no longer as fresh and our spiritual lives stop maturing. There is a term used in exercise called “muscle confusion.” The principle is that if a muscle does the same exercises day in and day out it will find the most efficient way of doing that movement and growth will ...
Spiritual Maturity Is More Than Bible Knowledge
2022年2月23日 · How many long time Christians have you known who knew the Bible inside and out but were absolutely rotten inside? It is easy to equate Bible knowledge with Spiritual maturity. If Bible knowledge alone isn’t spiritual maturity, what is? I heard a useful answer to this from Curtis Sergeant who said that spiritual maturity is […]
What Major League Baseball & Churches Have in Common
2024年11月14日 · Little to nothing about spiritual maturity…nothing about spiritual disciplines…just need sound doctrine and be our evangelist – so that someone is paid to get out there! The wife is often expected to give her time more than others in the church when she isn’t the one getting paid.
Does Age Difference Matter? - CBN.com
2009年4月23日 · In my opinion, we need to be less concerned about age difference and much more concerned about the eight character traits (focusing on spiritual maturity) that Julie outlined a few weeks ago.
Chapter 3: Functional Gifts - CBN.com
Higher Level (3-4) QualitiesDiscerns emotional and spiritual maturity of others; gives practical advice to achieve growth Persuasive; application-minded; adept at illustration Understands ...
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Articles on Spiritual Maturity. Community Is Messy; God Is Not. As we work together in church or other groups, we get to use our individual gifts, talents, and treasures. We all serve different ...
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The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media.
Discipling Your Own Kids – 3 Principles - Revolution of Ordinaries
2023年8月17日 · This doesn’t mean you have to do it perfectly. It does mean if you mess up, handle it in a godly way (apology, repentance, etc). They will probably not surpass your spiritual maturity for quite some time – so your maturity can put a lid on their maturity. So make sure you are growing as you are training them to grow.