Sperrylite - Wikipedia
Sperrylite is a platinum arsenide mineral with the chemical formula PtAs 2 and is an opaque metallic tin white mineral which crystallizes in the isometric system with the pyrite group structure. It forms cubic, octahedral or pyritohedral crystals in addition to massive and reniform habits.
Sperrylite: The platinum mineral sperrylite information and ...
Sperrylite is a rare mineral composed primarily of the precious metal platinum. Aside from native Platinum, Sperrylite is the only platinum ore of any economic importance. It forms in highly lustrous crystals that can be very well-formed, making …
Sperrylite Mineral Information, photos and Facts; Platinum ...
Sperrylite is generally associated with layered mafic-ultramafic complexes in many of the locations where it has been found. It is an important ore mineral of platinum. It is mined with nickel ores and the platinum values of the sperrylite are recovered in the ore processing and smelting operations.
Sperrylite - National Gem Lab
Sperrylite is a platinum arsenide mineral and is an important ore of Platinum. In fact, other than native Platinum, Sperrylite is the only Platinum ore of any significance. Sperrylite is found in abundance only at Sudbury, Ontario, Canada where it is mined for its valuable Platinum content.
Sperrylite mineral information and data - dakotamatrix.com
Sperryite is the most widespread and one of the most common platinum minerals and occurs in nearly every type of deposit in a couple hundred localities. Sperrylite is an ore of platinum and is particularly important at the Sudbury Basin in Ontario, Canada, the Stillwater complex in Montana, USA, and in the Bushveld complex in South Africa.
World Class Mineral: Sperrylite (on Chalcopyrite) – Rice ...
The world’s largest specimen of silver-gray, highly lustrous sperrylite crystals. Sperrylite is a rare platinum arsenide mineral, the main ore of platinum and often found as tiny crystals. However, the crystals in this specimen measure an extraordinary 2.5 cm.
Sperrylite: Mineral information, data and localities.
Sperrylite Furuseth S, Selte K, Kjekshus A (1967) On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2 …
Sperrylite PtAs2 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Cubic. Point Group: 2/m 3. Commonly well crystallized as cubes and cubo-octahedrons, to 5 cm; may be highly modified with rounded edges and corners; as intergrowths with Pt–Fe alloys. Physical Properties: Cleavage: Indistinct on {001}. Fracture: Conchoidal ...
1.2 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm. This is a sharp 1 cm-tall, tapered crystal of the rare platinum mineral species Sperrylite. It is actually the first sperrylite I had ever seen in person, back in the late 1980s, when it was in the collection of my own mentor, Carlton Davis.
Sperrylite Mineral Data
Sperrylite. Comments: Brilliant, mirror-like modified octahedral crystals of sperrylite to 1.3 cm on chalcopyrite matrix.. Location: Talnak deposit, near Noril'sk, Russia. Scale: 4.4 x 2.3 x 2cm. © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix