Specific heat ratio of gas mixture - Physics Forums
2016年11月10日 · I think I know the answer, but I am not convinced. One of the things that I need to know is the specific heat ratio, ##\gamma##, for the gas and my question is, how does one …
gas laws - How do you calculate the heat capacity ratio for a multi ...
2022年8月1日 · Let's say I have a heat capacity ratio of $1.4$ for $\\ce{N2}$ and a heat capacity ratio of $1.2$ for $\\ce{O2}$ (just random placeholder values no significance), and I wanted to …
Using the Gibbs-Dalton Law to find Specific Heat Ratio - Physics …
2007年9月27日 · If the constituents are taken to be perfect gases and the Gibbs-Dalton law holds, what are the molecular weight and specific heat ratio of the mixture? Nitrogen: Mole wt = 28, …
Which Specific Heat Ratios Should I Use for Rocket Propellant …
2005年1月27日 · I know that the Specific Heat Ratio when referring to the gass(es) comming out the back of a rocket engine is the ratio of the specific heats at a constant pressure/volume and …
Experiment: Ratio of the principal specific heat capacities of air
2011年1月22日 · To find the ratio of the specific heat capacities of air (γ). Homework Equations PV γ =constant The Attempt at a Solution I performed the experiment a number of times to get …
Basic question on Specific Heat Ratio of gases - Physics Forums
2004年8月14日 · I have been trying to understand the concept of specific heat ratios. From what I gather, the ratio is defined as the quotient of the Specific heat at constant pressure and the …
Conceptual thermodynamics question regarding specific heat ratio
2020年4月3日 · An insulated rigid tank is initially evacuated. A valve is opened, and atmospheric air at 95 kPa and 17 C enters the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches 95 kPa, at which …
How Does Adiabatic Expansion Affect an Ideal Gas in a Closed Cycle?
2012年11月4日 · A 4.00-L sample of a diatomic ideal gas with specific heat ratio 1.40, confined to a cylinder, is carried through a closed cycle. The gas is initially at 1.00 atm and at 300 K. First, …
Specific heat for a triatomic gas - Physics Forums
2016年8月8日 · Using equipartition law, find specific heat of gas containing triatomic linear molecules. Will the result be different if the molecule was non- linear? In what way? Homework …
Specific heat ratios of water, air, and related questions - Physics …
2006年11月5日 · I've been working on a research project and I'm having difficulty with finding heat capacity values/heat capacity ratios. I have been getting 1.33 for the gamma value of steam, …