Abies pinsapo - Wikipedia
Abies pinsapo, Spanish fir, is a species of tree in the family Pinaceae, [2] [3] native to southern Spain and northern Morocco. [4] Related to other species of Mediterranean firs, it appears at …
Abies pinsapo - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University
A. p. subsp. marocana (Moroccan Fir) - has flatter, wider needles, and larger cones than typical Abies pinsapo. pinsapo: old Spanish word meaning pine-fir, pino(pine) and sapino (fir). Or …
Abies pinsapo (Spanish Fir) - Gardenia
Abies pinsapo (Spanish Fir) is an evergreen conifer of narrow habit in youth, becoming broad pyramidal with age. Usually branched to the ground, it sports beautiful short, sharp-pointed, …
Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’ Spanish Fir - Conifer Kingdom
The stiff, pointed needles of this Spanish fir develop a gorgeous golden cast over silver-blue. They appear to radiate around the stems and provide great texture. Slow-growing, the striking tree …
Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’ - Iseli Nursery
Golden Spanish Fir. Attractive, yellow needles that are rigid and tapered radiate from the branches. Although a golden form, Abies pinsapo ‘Aurea’ is hardier than the species. Full sun …
Abies pinsapo (abeto español, Spanish fir) description
2025年2月10日 · Description of the evolution, biology, distribution, ecology, and uses of Abies pinsapo (abeto español, Spanish fir).
How to Grow and Care for Spanish fir - PictureThis
Spanish fir is a slow-growing conifer that thrives in cool, humid conditions with well-draining soil. Being sensitive to heat and drought, special care should be taken to ensure consistent …
Abies pinsapo - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Spanish fir is native to a limited number of dry mountain areas in southern Spain in elevations from 3000’ to 6000’. This is a somewhat narrow, evergreen conifer that matures to broad …
Spanish Fir | The Wood Database (Softwood)
Common Name (s): Spanish fir, abeto espanol. Scientific Name: Abies pinsapo. Distribution: Spain and Morocco. Average Dried Weight: 29.0 lbs/ft 3 (465 kg/m 3) Janka Hardness: 590 lb …
The Spanish Fir - Abies pinsapo - Ronda Today
2023年3月15日 · The Spanish Fir – Abies pinsapo. This is Abies pinsapo, the national tree of Andalucía, and one of a very few species that survived through the last major ice age into the …
EUFORGEN’s publications - European Forest Genetic Resources …
Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) is a medium-sized coniferous tree belonging to the group of Mediterranean firs and closely related to the Moroccan fir (Abies marocana). Its growth is …
Abies pinsapo ‘Fastigiata’ - Iseli Nursery
The columnar form of Spanish fir, ‘Fastigiata’ has short, stout, blue green needles that radiate around upright branches. This garden spire has a narrow footprint and provides loads of …
Abies pinsapo ‘Pendula’ - iselinursery.com
The stems of this weeping Spanish fir are uniquely textured in oh-so-satisfying spiral symmetry of stiff blue green needles. Red pollen cones glow at branch tips in spring. The trunk can be …
Abies pinsapo - Trees and Shrubs Online
The answer is that Spanish Fir is a tree that might best be characterised as ‘high risk, high reward’. It is endemic to a narrow area of southern Spain where it grows in three separate …
Abies pinsapo 'Glauca' | Hedgehog Fir | Spanish Fir - plant lust
A conical Spanish fir with stiff, blue needles that whorl around the stems. Unique to this species. Native habitat are the forests in southern Spain. Too large and heavy for mail order.
Abies pinsapo ‘Glauca’ (Spanish Fir) - Gardenia
Majestic, award-winning Abies pinsapo ‘Glauca’ (Spanish Fir) is an evergreen conifer of broadly conical habit with distinctive short, stiff, frosty blue, blunt needles arranged radially around the …
Abies pinsapo 'Fastigiata' - Spanish Fir | Western Evergreen
2023年4月25日 · A Narrow, Blue form of Spanish Fir. Each branch reaches upwards keeping the shape narrow, and suitable for the smaller landscape where space is of concern. Needles are …
Abies Pinsapo plant care guide & info
Abies pinsapo, also known as the Spanish fir, is a medium-sized coniferous shrub or small tree. It is native to southern Spain and northern Morocco, specifically found in the Sierra de …
Trees of Andalucía. Spanish Fir or Pinsapo Abies Pinsapo, Flora …
Spanish Fir - Pinsapo - Abies Pinsapo. In 1837, during one of his exploratory visits to the south of the Iberian Peninsula, the Swiss Botanist Edmond Boisser discovered a new species of tree: …
Abies pinsapo var. pinsapo | Threatened Conifers of the World …
One of two varieties of the Spanish fir restricted to three areas of southern Spain where in the last 45 years large areas of forest have been lost mainly as a result of fire. IUCN Status: Endangered