In this paper, the corrosion failure mechanism of the stripper was investigated through a comprehensive analysis, including process media examination, thickness measurements, corrosion morphology observation and corrosion product characterization.
了解详细信息:In this paper, the corrosion failure mechanism of the stripper was investigated through a comprehensive analysis, including process media examination, thickness measurements, corrosion morphology observation and corrosion product characterization.…The main findings of this review are that the key parameters affecting sweet and sour corrosion are temperature, pH, partial pressures of CO 2 and H 2 S, flow rate, concentration of organic acids and salt concentrations (brine). However, the effect of these parameters on sour corrosion is less investigated compared to sweet corrosion.…The current understanding and knowledge gaps of sour corrosion mechanisms are discussed in this chapter, including the effects of iron sulfide layers, elemental sulfur, steel microstructure, and other critical parameters.…The sour water handling system in chemical plants often show swings in pH, oxygen content, SO 2 content and chloride ion content, or different locations. All of these variables theoretically affect the corrosivity of the sour water, and they could be monitored and controlled to minimize corrosion in the handling system.…This paper deals with the mechanism of corrosion by these condensates and the factors influencing corrosion in several typical refinery units. In addition, methods for corrosion prevention and control are also discussed.…Comprehensive analysis of corrosion failure of sour water stripper …
2024年12月1日 · In this paper, the corrosion failure mechanism of the stripper was investigated through a comprehensive analysis, including process media examination, thickness measurements, corrosion morphology observation and corrosion product characterization.
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Key parameters affecting s…
The main findings of this review are that the key parameters affecting sweet and sour …
Sour corrosion - ScienceDi…
The current understanding and knowledge gaps of sour corrosion mechanisms are …
Key parameters affecting sweet and sour corrosion: Impact on …
2023年3月1日 · The main findings of this review are that the key parameters affecting sweet and sour corrosion are temperature, pH, partial pressures of CO 2 and H 2 S, flow rate, …
Sour corrosion - ScienceDirect
2017年1月1日 · The current understanding and knowledge gaps of sour corrosion mechanisms are discussed in this chapter, including the effects of iron sulfide layers, elemental sulfur, steel …
Corrosion Study of a Sour Water System
The sour water handling system in chemical plants often show swings in pH, oxygen content, SO 2 content and chloride ion content, or different locations. All of these variables theoretically …
The mechanism of refinery corrosion by sour water condensates
1982年3月1日 · This paper deals with the mechanism of corrosion by these condensates and the factors influencing corrosion in several typical refinery units. In addition, methods for corrosion …
- 作者: Z.A. Foroulis
- Publish Year: 1982
• Discuss the damage mechanism determination & the factors influencing the rate of observed damage • Review the interrelation between this DM and those associated with
An In-depth Analysis of H2S Sour Water Corrosion: From A
2024年4月10日 · We embark on a journey to explore the initiation and progression of sour water corrosion, analysing the factors that influence its severity, and unveiling the enigmatic role of …
Sour Corrosion
2024年7月19日 · Sour corrosion is the degradation and/or rust formation on a metal surface due to the presence of a highly acidic environment containing hydrogen sulfide. Sour corrosion can …
Mechanism of sour corrosion and formation of iron sulphide
It is almost generally acknowledged within the oil and gas corrosion research community that the chemistry of “sour” corrosion in oilfields is relatively complex, especially in relative terms to the …
No dedicated sour corrosion model was available for upstream corrosion and therefore the development of a new model was initiated. This article describes the development of a sour …
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