Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command
Location - MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.. Established - April 16, 1987. Commander - U.S. Army Gen. Bryan P. Fenton. Command Sergeant Major - U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Shane W. Shorter. Deputy Commander - U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Sean M. Farrell . Vice Commander - U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Francis L. Donovan. Role - Provide fully capable Special Operations …
Mission in support of the GCCs. Defending the Nation and our Citizens USSOCOM synchronizes the planning of special operations and provides SOF to support persistent, networked and distributed GCC operations in order to protect and advance our Nation's interests.
How-to-Join - SOCOM
To apply for a SOCOM ARE TPU position complete the prospect packet (link below) and subm it to detachment POCs. Typically, it will take about a month for the prospect packet approval/disapproval, so keep this in mind and then reach out if you have not heard back in a …
reference-materials - SOCOM
Reference Materials DoD Manual 5400.7, DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program January 25,2017. DoD Directive 5100.3, Support of the Headquarters of Combatant and Subordinate Joint Commands
Acquisition Authority - SOCOM
Acquisition Authority The USSOCOM Commander has unique acquisition authorities and responsibilities. Title 10 United States Code, Section 167, vests the USSOCOM Commander with the responsibility and authority for the development and acquisition of Special Operations (SO)-peculiar equipment, the authority to exercise the functions of the head of agency, and the …
RCC Support - SOCOM
SOCOM Webmail SOF SOCCENT Web Portal Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command 7701 Tampa Point Blvd MacDill Air Force Base, FL 33621 ...
Recovery Care Coordination - SOCOM
The CRP plan identifies the Service Member's and family's goals and the resources they need to achieve them, such as assistive technology, education, employment, or housing. The RCC uses the plan to guide SOF wounded, ill, & injured and their families along the road to recovery, rehabilitation and return to duty or transition into the civilian community.
USSOCOM Deputy Commander Biography
Lt. Gen. Sean M. Farrell is the Deputy Commanding General for U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. He ensures the readiness of joint special operations forces and, as directed, conducts operations worldwide.
The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)began as an emergency deployment from Fort Campbell, Ky., in 1980 evolving into a highly specialized SOF rotary wing aviation capability today.