What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
2014年8月23日 · Just a small remark: According to the English typography, the ordinal indicators are not written in superscript. In French or Spanish you do that, not in English. It's only Microsoft Word that implemented the feature years ago and since then, people think it's correct. –
capitalization - Should Units of Measure be capitalized? - English ...
No. Yes. Maybe. It depends. It's always been my understanding with metric measures, that abbreviations for units larger than the base unit measure are capitalized, and units smaller than the base unit are lower case.
“20th century” vs. “20ᵗʰ century” - English Language & Usage ...
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Is there a more masculine way to describe a "petite" man?
2017年4月21日 · "Bantamweight" is a small weight class in boxing and other combat sports. Hence referring to a man as a "bantam" would convey small stature along with physical toughness. In the British Army, and particularly during WW1, it was also used as a label for soldiers who were admitted to the army despite being below regulation height.
What is the difference between a ravine, gorge and canyon?
2019年1月14日 · Gully A small hollow or channel incised into sediments or unconsolidated rock by running water. For a very specified definition: Arroyo - Incised valley bottom, particularly in the western U.S. The arroyos can be cut as deeply as 20m, be over 50m wide and tens or even hundreds of kilometres long
etymology - Where did the expression 'playing the world's …
Not being aware of the origin, I had to do a little searching and, to my amusement, came across a an entry on wiki.answers that references the A-Team using this in a T.V episode; you can check the link for complete text if you wish, but the following information is all …
Is there a specific name for that singular exhalation laugh that ...
2023年10月21日 · Huff is a good option within a context, which is not specific by itself, but it can be used more vividly as huffed a small laugh or huffed a short laugh. You can find many results in Google Books if you search these phrases: *, * Wiktionary definitions of the noun and the verb huff: noun: A heavy breath; a grunt or sigh.
"Lower number" vs. "smaller number" - English Language & Usage …
2011年5月22日 · I would generally say that ‘bigger’ refers to magnitude (distance from zero) whereas ‘higher’ refers to value (distance from negative infinity), but in context anything is possible. We don't tend to use ‘big’ or ‘small’ in mathematical contexts very much. If you want to be correct, I would recommend ‘greater’ and ‘less’.
typography - Moving the lower case ‘c’ up flush with the ‘M’ in the ...
2016年6月30日 · The computer killed the middle case c, a raised c with 2 small lines underneath it. It was commonly available in old printing typefaces but was lost in conversion to computers. My family always used the middle case, but I have not found how to get it on the computer, though I have seen it a few times.
Word for someone who pays attention to details
2013年3月30日 · To be sharp-eyed generally means someone who has very good eye sight and/or the ability to spot small but significant details. A similar expression is eagle eye as mentioned by FumbleFingers. an editor with an eagle eye