USS Tarawa sent to ocean floor in Rim of the Pacific exercise
2024年7月25日 · RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime training exercise, allows nations to test and train weapons that can’t be replicated in a simulation. The sinking exercises, dubbed SINKEXs,...
US and Partner Nations Conduct Multiple SINKEXs as Part of …
2024年7月23日 · During the SINKEXs, participating units from Australia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and the U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy gained proficiency in tactics, targeting and live...
SINKEX | MARAD - Transportation
2021年2月17日 · What is the SINKEX Program? SINKEX, short for "sink at-sea live-fire training exercises", is program run by the United States Navy that arranges for decomissioned Naval warships to be used in live-fire training.
U.S. Army Conducts First Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile SINKEX using …
2024年6月23日 · In Palau, hundreds of miles away, soldiers from 3MDTF and 1-181 Artillery Regiment of the Tennessee National Guard participated in the VS24 Combined Joint Live Fire SINKEX on June 16, 2024, utilizing the U.S. Army Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML) and two Precision Strike Missiles (PrSM).
美国海军发布“击沉”演习视频 老式导弹炸弹成功击沉退役护卫舰
2022年7月17日 · 这艘军舰以追授荣誉勋章的美国海军陆战队中士命名,1987年开始服役,在太平洋舰队服役近30年。 2015年退役,据报道2018年曾经考虑援助给乌克兰。 被一连串的导弹、炸弹击中后,这艘护卫舰最终沉入4500米的深海中。 这也是“击沉”系列演习中,第二艘被击沉的“佩里”级护卫舰。 此次“击沉”演习是继6月在马里亚纳群岛举行的“英勇盾牌(Valiant Shield)”演习后,以美国为主导的大型联合军演。 在刚刚结束的“英勇盾牌”演习中,充当靶舰的“范德格里夫” …
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The SINKEX program, which stands for Sink Exercise, provides numerous benefits to the Navy. The purpose of SINKEX is to satisfy requirements for ship survivability or weapons lethality...
U.S. and Partner Nations Conduct SINKEX as Part of RIMPAC 2022
2022年7月16日 · Units from Australia, Canada, Malaysia and the U.S. participated in the sinking exercise (SINKEX) to gain proficiency in tactics, targeting and live firing against a surface target at sea.
US Navy Ship Sinking Exercises (SINKEX)
One way of disposing of decommissioned and stricken warships is to use them as targets during sinking exercises (SINKEX). The Navy conducts most of these exerices at four major locations: north of Kauai, HI; off California; off the US east coast and off Puerto Rico. The exercises are focused on honing weapons firing skills and proficiency.
2024年8月13日 · RIMPAC 2024演习中最引人关注的项目就是实弹击沉舰艇的击沉演习 (SINKEX)。 2024年7月11日和7月19日,RIMPAC 2024举行两次击沉演习,最先进行的是以退役的奥斯汀级两栖运输船坞杜比克号 (排水量1万7000吨)为目标的常规击沉演习。
US and Partner Nations Conduct Multiple SINKEXs as Part of …
2024年7月22日 · Ships and aircraft participating in Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2024 conducted long-planned, live-fire sinking exercises (SINKEXs) and sank the decommissioned USS Dubuque (LPD 8), July 11, 2024, and the decommissioned USS …