LSSR™ Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger | Simpson Strong-Tie
Simpson Strong-Tie has evaluated the LSSR hanger series when installed with 0.148" x 1 1/2" (N10) nails in both face and joist locations. A 12-page guide that lists popular Simpson Strong-Tie hanger options for use with engineered wood products manufactured by ALLJOIST.
LSSR Installation | Simpson Strong-Tie
LSSR Slopeable / Skewable Rafter Hanger Installation Guide. The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of field-adjustable rafter hangers. One of its key features is that it can be installed after the rafter has been tacked into place.
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR Light Field-Adjustable Rafter Hanger for …
The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of its key features is that it can be installed after all of the rafters have been tacked into place.
Simpson LSSR1.81Z Field Adjustable Rafter Hanger - Zmax Finish
The new Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR rafter hangers are a new style of field adjustable hangers. The LSSR1.81Z can be skewed in the field up to 45 degrees and the unique hinged seat allows for up to a 45 degree slope adjustment as well.
Simpson LSSR210Z Field Adjustable Rafter Hanger- ZMAX Finish
The new Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR rafter hangers are a new style of field adjustable hangers. The unique hinged seat on the LSSR210Z allows up to 45-degree slope adjustments upwards and downwards in the field.
Introducing New LSSR Sizes - Simpson Strong-Tie Site
In 2018, Simpson Strong-Tie released the patented LSSR hanger series. This new series of hangers offers customers the ability to install the hanger after the framer has temporarily attached the rafters into place. Hence, the “R” in LSSR stands for “retrofittable.”
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR1.81Z Slopeable and Skewable Rafter Hanger
The Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR1.81Z Slopeable and Skewable Rafter Hanger allows you to install a 1-3/4" wide rafter with either a plumb cut or miter cut that has been tacked in place. This versatile hanger is field adjustable for skewing up to 45° either left or right and features an innovative hinged swivel seat to adjust for up to a 45° slope.
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSJ/LSSR Rafter Hangers - Fasteners Plus
The Simpson Strong-Tie LSSJ and LSSR rafter hangers are designed for angled, skewed, or adjustable connections between rafters and beams. Ideal for trusses, sloped joists, and hip roofs, these connectors offer a strong, durable hold while allowing for easy installation in complex framing applications.
LSSR Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger - Tropical Construction …
The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of its key features is that it can be installed after all of the rafters have been tacked into place.
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger
The new Simpson Strong-Tie patent-pending LSSR light slopeable and skewable rafter hangers are the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of the key features is that it can be installed after all of the rafters have been tacked into place.