What does it mean that Satan wanted to sift Peter as wheat …
2024年10月28日 · Satan wanted to “sift Peter as wheat,” which means that he wished to shake Peter’s faith so forcefully that he would fall, proving that God’s faithful servant was lacking.
Luke 22:31 Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.
The imagery of sifting wheat involves separating the grain from the chaff, a process that is vigorous and thorough. This metaphor indicates a severe trial or testing. The phrase "all of …
The Sifting of Simon Peter - Desiring God
"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your …
What does it mean that Satan desired to sift Peter as wheat?
In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus gave a warning to Peter, saying that Satan desired to sift Peter as wheat. What does this mean? Learn the answer in this Q&A.
"Satan has asked to sift you as wheat" meaning (Lk 22:31).
What did Jesus mean when He told Peter, "Satan has asked to sift you as wheat" (Lk 22:31)? By: Steve Shirley A: When looking at this verse, several things are important.
Luke 22:31-32 Sifted as Wheat - Bible Hub
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have you, that he might sift you as wheat; but I made supplication for thee, that thy faith fail not; and do thou, when once thou hast turned again, …
What does it mean that Satan wanted to sift Peter as wheat (Luke …
2023年12月27日 · In Luke 22:31, Jesus tells Peter “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat”. This is a crucial passage that gives insight into …
How Did Satan Want to "Sift" Peter? - Disciples - Christianity
2010年9月24日 · Jesus warned that Satan had asked permission to "sift" the disciple like wheat (Luke 22:31)—vigorous shaking is required to separate wheat kernels from debris. The Enemy …
Luke 22:31 Meaning and Commentary - Scripture Savvy
2025年2月24日 · Sifting wheat involves shaking it violently to separate the grain from the chaff, signifying that Satan intends to create turmoil in Simon’s life, to pull him away from the faith …
SIFTED LIKE WHEAT | sermonsfortheworld.com - R. L. Hymers, Jr
2016年2月21日 · “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31). Dr. John Gill (1697-1771) said “sift you as wheat” means “to toss them to and fro as wheat is …