Shili | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Shili was a planet located in the Shili system within the Expansion Region, that was the homeworld of the sentient Togruta species.
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Shili | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Shili was the homeworld of the Togruta located in the Ehosiq sector. The legendary Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a native of Shili, as were Raana Tey,[6] Ashla and Ahsoka Tano.[7] The planet was a long-time member of the Galactic Republic and Togrutas had been in …
Shili - Star Wars Universe Wiki
Shili was the homeworld of the Togrutas located in the Ehosiq sector. The legendary Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a native of Shili, as were Raana Tey,[4] and Ahsoka Tano.[5] The planet was a long-time member of the Galactic Empire.
Shili - Tano's Wiki | Fandom
Shili was a planet and Ahsoka's homeworld. The world was home to Ahsoka's species, the Togruta and the Akul. Shili is also home to Jedi Master Shaak Ti, another Togruta Jedi.
Shili - Star Wars Games | Fandom
Shili was a planet located in the Expansion Region of the galaxy, it was the homeworld of the Togruta, a near-human race. They shared many similarities with Twi'leks. The legendary Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a native of Shili, as were Raana Tey, Hurana and Ahsoka Tano.
Shili - Star Wars Animated Wiki
Shili is a planet located in the Shili system in the Expansion Region that was the homeworld of the Togrutas. When she was three years old, Ahsoka Tano was taken from her homeworld by Plo Koon and sent to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Shili | Star Wars - Dark Horizon's MUSH - Fandom
Shili is a largely considered the most untamed member-world of the Republic when the Republic maintains sovereignty of it. The native Togruta live in stone cities in the midst of violent jungles. They care little for economics, and are quite happy with what their planet can produce.
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Shili - Jedipedia | Fandom
Shili ist ein Planet[5] innerhalb des Inneren Randes oder der Expansionsregion der Galaxis, welcher zu einem Großteil aus bunten Graslandschaften besteht. Es handelt sich zudem um die Heimatwelt der Togruta-Spezies, deren bekannteste Vertreter Shaak Ti und Ahsoka Tano auch Teil des Jedi-Ordens…