Shakudo | Data & AI Operating System on Your Infrastructure
Shakudo brings the best data and AI products into your VPC and operates them for you automatically achieving a more reliable, performant, and cost effective data stack than ever …
Shakudō - Wikipedia
Shakudō (赤銅) is a Japanese billon of gold and copper (typically 4–10% gold, 96–90% copper), one of the irogane class of colored metals, which can be treated to develop a black, or sometimes indigo, patina, resembling lacquer.
About - Shakudo
Shakudo was founded by industry-leading data science professionals who saw a need for a simple, lightweight data process solution.
Platform | Shakudo
Shakudo is the operating layer on top of your cloud that allows you to pick the best-of-breed data tools for your needs, while providing a platform with fully automated DevOps experience. This combines the best of both worlds in data stack practices so …
Shakudo – Antique Jewelry University
Shakudo is a Japanese alloy used in sheet metal inlay or wire inlay. The technique involves inlaying gold, silver, and copper into a darkened copper base. Usually, shakudo is composed of 75% copper and 4-25% gold and 5-20% antimony.
AWS Marketplace: Shakudo - The OS for data and AI
Shakudo is the operating system on top of your AWS instance that allows you to pick the best-of-breed data tools for your needs, while providing a platform with a fully automated DevOps experience. Shakudo's operating system creates a more reliable, performant and cost effective data stack, with complete data security.
Shakudō Explained
Shakudō (赤銅) is a Japanese billon of gold and copper (typically 4–10% gold, 96–90% copper), one of the irogane class of colored metals, which can be treated to develop a black, or sometimes indigo, patina, resembling lacquer.
Welcome to Shakudo | Shakudo Docs
Shakudo is the data and AI operating system on your VPC. Shakudo creates compatibility across the best-of-breed data tools for a more reliable, performant, and cost effective data and AI operating system. On Shakudo, data teams can choose and mix and match best-of-breed software and try out new emerging tools without DevOps overhead.
The Beauty and History of Japanese Shakudō Jewelry - The …
2011年4月3日 · Shakudō is a Japanese term for a low gold content alloy used in certain types of jewelry and ornamentation. The somewhat esoteric technique has a long and colorful history, and knowing it is sure to raise our appreciation for the delicate process and its …
Shakudo | 项目信息-36氪
Shakudo是一家数据堆栈服务商,创建了跨最佳数据工具的兼容性,以实现比以往任何时候都更可靠、性能更高、成本更低的数据堆栈。 团队信息完善中... 学习机大战,一触即发。 只有相信,才能看到。 歌尔股份:砍单砍崩业绩,苹果的小弟熬得住吗? 虽然股价仍处于低位,但是这次财报并没给市场带来更大的信心。...