Contact Us - Saint Gabriel DC
Address: 26 Grant Circle N.W., Wasington, D.C. 20011 Phones: (202) 726-9092 Email: [email protected] We are open: Mn-Fr: 9AM-4PM Have Any Questions? Get in Touch with …
Website: sgdc.church Email: [email protected] St Gabriel Facebook St Gabriel Instagram St Gabriel You Tube Parish Giving Sunday 11:00am (English) 1:00pm (Spanish) MASS …
Saint Gabriel Catholic Church - Saint Gabriel DC
Mar 2, 2025 · Saint Gabriel Welcome to Saint Gabriel Catholic Church! Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Catolica San Gabriel! Visit St. Gabriel Saint Gabriel DC
Bulletin - Saint Gabriel DC
Bulletin from Saint Gabriel Catholic Church. Find out what's new in the community. Latest issue from July 16, 2016. 26 Grant Circle N.W. Washington, DC
Español - Saint Gabriel DC
Misa – Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Horario de Misas Cada semana se abrirá una nueva inscripción para las misas. Cada semana tendrá que hacer una reserva. Ujieres, …
Religious Education - Saint Gabriel DC - sgdc.church
Aug 29, 2021 · If you have problems paying for the program, please reach out to Krimhilde Morales, the religious education coordinator, at 202-726-9092 Ext. 109 or email …
Petworth Youth Program - Saint Gabriel DC
Petworth Youth Program, an award winning, highly successful 26 year old parish outreach ministry program, has provided structured out-of-school educational, athletic and recreational …
Calendar - Saint Gabriel DC
Office Hours & Info. 26 Grant Circle N.W. Washington, DC 20011. 202-726-9092
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - Saint Gabriel DC
You are invited to join RCIA! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is meant for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and possibly becoming Catholic. …
Estudio Bíblico - Saint Gabriel DC
SGDC se esfuerza por tener un ministerio del Grupo Pequeño fructífero y vibrante para llevar a las personas a una relación con Jesucristo que las transforme. Los grupos pequeños ayudan …