Seyfor is one of the largest IT companies in Central Europe. We were created by combining dozens of companies, and each of them contributed to the whole with their own know-how and …
Seyfor, a. s. Drobného 49, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic VAT ID CZ01572377 D-U-N-S number: 36-132-2137. File number B 7072 kept by at the Regional Court in Brno
Brno, 29. 11. 2022 – Seyfor je nový název společnosti Solitea, která patří mezi nejrychleji rostoucí dodavatele IT řešení v Evropě. Firma o jednom člověku založená před 32 lety Martinem …
2023年12月5日 · Following the acquisition, Seyfor’s systems will be used for 25% of all payslips in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With the acquisition of KS - program in Vsetín, Seyfor will …
We're always here to help if you’re stuck, can't find or understand something, or need assistance in other matters. In such cases, feel free to use one of Seyfor’s overall types of support: Seyfor …
Seyfor zapošljava više od 1600 ljudi širom Evrope, a u Adriatik regionu možete računati na podršku 250 vrhunskih stručnjaka. Odličnim poznavanjem zakonodavstva, mi pružamo 100% …
Seyfor je med največjimi ponudniki programov v srednji Evropi in v regiji Adriatic. Nastali smo z združitvijo več tehnoloških podjetij, kjer vsako prispeva svoje izkušnje. Naš namen je …