Send & read text & voice messages in Google Messages
Send a voice message. Tap the message box. Tap the Microphone . Record your voice message. The voice message is automatically saved as a draft so you can listen to it before you send it. The voice message isn't sent until you tap Send . Tap Send . Read voice message transcripts Important: If you turn on Live Captions, transcription is available ...
Get started with the Google Messages app - Google Messages
Important: With Android 7.0 and up, you can schedule messages to send on phones. If your phone isn't connected to Wi-Fi or data at the scheduled time, your message is sent when your device reconnects. Open Google Messages . Open a conversation. Enter your message. Touch and hold Send . Choose from the suggestions.
Send & receive text messages (SMS & MMS) - Google Help
Over Wi-Fi or cellular service, using RCS with others who use Android. Your RCS message texts appear as “Send by Wi-Fi or mobile data ." Using SMS or MMS messages, which appear as “Send by SMS ” or “Send by MMS ." Get started with Google Messages. You can send and receive text messages, photos, voice messages, and video using Google ...
Send & get text messages - Computer - Google Voice Help
Reply to a text message. On your computer, go to voice.google.com. Open the tab for Messages . Click the text message you want to reply to. At the bottom, enter your message, and click Send . Tip: If you have more than one Voice number, you can only send texts from your main number. If you get a text to your second number, your reply will be ...
Send & read messages with Google Assistant
To reply, press the button after the message is read. Say your message, for example: "Yes, 12PM works for me" When you’re finished, your Google Assistant will play your message. To send the message, press the button. To change the message, press and record your message again. To cancel the message, double press the button.
Google Messages
Official Android Messages Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Android Messages and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Use Messages for web with Google Fi
Option 1: Send & receive texts only. To text with Messages for web, learn how to check your messages on your computer. You can send and receive texts like high-resolution photos with RCS chats. With a connection from your computer to your phone, Messages for web can send SMS text messages.
Get started with messages & calls - Android Help - Google Help
Send a message or start a group chat. Important: To get messages on your new Android device when you switch from iOS, make sure to Switch texting from iMessage to Messages. When you send a message, it may cost a fee. It depends on which method you use. Find out how your message is sent. Your carrier may charge you when you use SMS or MMS.
Send & get text messages - Android - Google Voice Help
Get a text message. You can get text messages from anywhere in the world. Some websites, such as banks or subscription services, won’t send text messages to Google Voice numbers. In those instances, you may need to use your mobile carrier number. On your Android device, open the Voice app . Open the tab for Messages . Messages you haven't ...
Send & get text messages - iPhone & iPad - Google Voice Help
Send a text message. You can use the Google Voice app to send text messages to one or more phone numbers. If you send a text longer than 160 characters to a non-Google Voice number, it's sent as multiple messages. Tip: You can't send texts to five- or six-digit “short code” numbers.