Error Code: 1060 Duplicate column name 'NA' - Stack Overflow
2014年11月5日 · When you select constant values without naming the columns like the following SELECT 'LULU CENT','sdfjg','NA' The column names of the returned result will be the same …
Find number of occurrence of given value within string?
2013年3月28日 · $string="Lorem ipsum $ 1000 ,ipsum $2000 sopr $250 gerb $ 150 dfkuer fsdf erwer 1020 $ gsdfasdtwe qw $ 5000 efk kdfgksgdf 2000 $ sdhfgsd fsdf 620 $ sdfjg jsdf3000$";
How to add read less button on my code after click on read more?
I need some help with my code. So, I have a "read more" function, but I always have "Read more" text on that button, and I need to make "Read more" - "Read less" text, how can I add "Read …
Extract molecules in order from SDF file according to IDs given in ...
2019年5月17日 · I have an SDFile containing thousands of molecules and I need to extract from it molecules according to their IDs given in a simple one column file. So, the example of the SDF …
c++ - How to iterate through a fd_set - Stack Overflow
2024年4月22日 · I'm wondering if there's an easy way to iterate through a fd_set? The reason I want to do this is to not having to loop through all connected sockets, since select() alters …
Use 'df -h' to check % remaining disk space of a specific folder
2017年8月14日 · I am using ' df -h ' command to get disk space details in my directory and it gives me response as below : Now I want to be able to do this check automatically through some …
How to pull out alpha and count digits using regex?
2013年7月23日 · I want to build Regex in C#. I need to know how to pull out alpha and count digits using Regex. string example = "ASDFG 3457"; Need to pull out of "ASDFG" and then …
How to insert random spaces in txt file? - Stack Overflow
2018年11月14日 · I have a file with lines of DNA in a file called 'DNASeq.txt'. I need a code to read each line and split each line at random places (inserting spaces) throughout the line. …