Amazon.com: Sci-Fu Vol. 1 (1): 9781620104729: Mercado, Yehudi: …
2018年3月13日 · Set in 1980s Brooklyn, a young DJ accidentally summons a UFO that transports his family, best friend, and current crush to the robot-dominated planet of Discopia. Hip-hop, sci-fi and kung fu all hit the turntables for the mash-up mix of the year!
- 4.6/5(63)
Sci-Fu Vol. 2: It Takes 2 (2) - amazon.com
2022年4月26日 · From legendary cartoonist Yehudi Mercado comes the much-anticipated followup to his hit Sci-Fu: Kick it Off. With a second volume jam-packed with all kinds of hip-hop, sci-fi, and kung-fu goodness, Sci-Fu: It Takes 2 spins the perfect track of friends working together to protect their home.
- 4.5/5(23)
Sci-Fu Series by Yehudi Mercado - Goodreads
Hip-Hop, Sci-Fi and Kung Fu all hit the turn-table… The highly anticipated sequel to SCI-FU is jam-pac…
Sci-Fu Books by Yehudi Mercado from Simon & Schuster
Wax, aspiring DJ and sci-fu master-in-training, made it back safely from the alien robot planet of Discopia, where he defeated the Five Deadly Dangers and became the... Don't Miss These Previous Books in the Series! Get a FREE ebook by joining our mailing list today!
Sci-Fu (Sci-Fu, #1) by Yehudi Mercado - Goodreads
2018年3月27日 · Cartoonist/force of nature Yehudi Mercado (Pantalones, TX, Rocket Salvage) sets his sights on 1980s Brooklyn and Wax, a young mix-master who scratches the perfect beat and accidentally summons a UFO that transports his family, best friend, and current crush to the robot-dominated planet of Discopia.
Sci-Fu Vol. 1 | Book by Yehudi Mercado - Simon & Schuster
Set in 1980s Brooklyn, a young DJ accidentally summons a UFO that transports his family, best friend, and current crush to the robot-dominated planet of Discopia. Hip-hop, sci-fi and kung fu all hit the turntables for the mash-up mix of the year!
Sci-Fu Vol. 1 by Yehudi Mercado, Paperback - Barnes & Noble
2018年3月13日 · Now Wax and his crew must master the intergalactic musical martial art of Sci-Fu to fight the power and save Earth. Word to your mother. Yehudi Mercado is a former pizza delivery driver and Disney art director living in Los Angeles.
Sci-Fu Vol. 2: It Takes 2 (Sci Fu) Kindle & comiXology - amazon.com
2022年4月27日 · Wax, aspiring DJ and sci-fu master-in-training, made it back safely from the alien robot planet of Discopia, where he defeated the Five Deadly Dangers. He thought his …
Sci-Fu Vol. 2: It Takes 2 #2 (PB) (2022) - MahoganyBooks
<b>The highly anticipated sequel to SCI-FU is jam-packed with all kinds of hip-hop, sci-fi, and kung-fu goodness! </b> <p/>Wax, aspiring DJ and sci-fu master-in-training, made it back safely from the alien robot planet of Discopia, where he defeated the Five Deadly Dangers and became the rightful king of Discopia. He doesn't want the crown, though. He just wants things to go …
Sci-Fu Vol. 2: It Takes 2 (Sci-Fu, #2) by Yehudi Mercado - Goodreads
2020年10月6日 · From legendary cartoonist Yehudi Mercado comes the much-anticipated followup to his hit Sci-Fu: Kick it Off. With a second volume jam-packed with all kinds of hip-hop, sci-fi, and kung-fu goodness, Sci-Fu: It Takes 2 spins the perfect track of friends working together to protect their home.