[Meta] Further Sci-Hub domain updates : r/Scholar - Reddit
Basically, sci-hub itself will resolve everything but sci-hub.ac and twin.sci-hub.ac (I'm not entirely sure where that last came from, but it's one of the addresses I've got referenced in my own configs.)
Répertoire officiel du site Web de Sci-Hub. Le projet Sci-Hub
2020年10月22日 · Ne faites pas confiance aux liens trouvés sur Reddit ou ailleurs vous demandant d'installer des extensions de navigateur ou des logiciels pour accéder à Sci-Hub. Bien qu'une extension Chrome officielle Sci-Hub pour Google Scholar existe (Sci-Hub-0.2.zip), elle n'est pas nécessaire pour accéder aux articles. Miroirs officiels de Sci-Hub ...
sci-hub.tw not working anymore? : r/scihub - Reddit
Current Sci-Hub domains: sci-hub.ru, sci-hub.se, sci-hub.st Members Online Alexandra Elbakyan's response to Nature seeking her comment about sci-hub being a 'threat' (screenshot taken from her Twitter)
Working Sci-Hub domains 10-12-2017 : r/scihub - Reddit
2017年12月9日 · sci-hub.tw works as of today. accessing from USA Reply mindlesSheep ...
r/scihub - Reddit
scimag is an archive of more than 80 million Sci-Hub-indexed articles provided by the Library Genesis project mirrors. Enter a DOI to search the archive. Enter a DOI to search the archive. Note that this archive is only a snapshot of articles previously requested by Sci-Hub users in the past and cannot proxy you to fresh articles.
Currently working domains... Anyone to help? : r/scihub - Reddit
Many pubblic institutions can to have blocked the sci-hub sites for violation of copyright law. In this case the solutions are the follow: Use a VPN program Use Tor Browser Use Telegram Sci-hub boo Chanel.
Sci-Hub 2022 - Updated domains and links : r/Piracy - Reddit
2022年1月27日 · Sci-hub is a website that bypasses the paywall of scientific papers making research often funded by taxpayers money, free. You don't have to worry about ripping off underpaid researchers though because they actually have to pay publishers to get their papers published and then they rarely receive royalties from it.
Currently working links : r/scihub - Reddit
2018年1月26日 · And See also https://sci-hub.love &https://sci-hub.app:) https://sci-hub.love auto check the current Sci-Hub working domain for every 5 minutes,and is has better user experience ,most importantly ,a much better domain for you to remember:sci-hub.love :) And https://sci-hub.app, it will always redirect to the working Sci-Hub domain,just add it ...
Problem accessing Sci-hub with Chrome : r/scihub - Reddit
2018年9月21日 · Edit2: I see sci-hub.tw /misc/ext/ Sci- Hub.zip is available from that domain 🤔 Edit3: Maybe use Firefox, Edge, Or TorBrowser? Are you at a university network?
Sci-Hub bloqué : Comment débloquer le site Sci-Hub - Reddit
2019年6月22日 · Ben non c'est normal. Personne ne peut accéder à l'IP directe à cause de leur DDoS-Guard donc que tu puisses accéder à sci-hub.tw ne change rien à ça Sans aucun lien du coup, si tu peux y accéder par le nom de domaine c'est sûrement que tu n'es soit pas en france, soit sous un opérateur internet un peu moins mainstream ?