Is there a permanent link to the sakila demo website?
Feb 14, 2019 · "I have built an SQL course online and want students to use this sakila demo website to save them downloading and installing local servers etc. I need the sakila demo to be reliably available for them," Ideally you should make a MySQL user account with only SELECT rights then then nobody can DROP the database –
Solved 4.13 LAB - Implement strong entity (Sakila) Implement
Nov 29, 2022 · Question: 4.13 LAB - Implement strong entity (Sakila) Implement a new strong entity phone in the Sakila database. Attributes and relationships are shown in the following diagran The diagram uses Sakila naming conventions.
Solved LAB - Query execution plans (Sakila) This lab - Chegg
Question: LAB - Query execution plans (Sakila) This lab illustrates how minor changes in a query may have a significant impact on the execution plan. MySQL Workbench exercise Refer to the film, actor, and film_actor tables of the Sakila database. This exercise is …
Solved 5.6 LAB - Implement independent entity (Sakila) - Chegg
Implement the entity as a new phone table. 2. Implement the has relationships as foreign keys in the Sakila customer, staff, and store tables. 3. Remove the existing phone column from the Sakila address table. Step 2 requires adding a foreign key constraint to an existing table.
mysql - multiple JOINS on SAKILA database SQL - Stack Overflow
Dec 2, 2021 · use sakila; select distinct first_name, last_name, city from city join address on city.city_id = address.city_id join staff on staff.address_id = address.address_id join store ; but than I was told that the query is incomplete even though the output is correct( if there were more rows in staff table they would still appear in the output - my ...
Solved 2.13 LAB - Implement strong entity | Chegg.com
Question: 2.13 LAB - Implement strong entity (Sakila)Implement a new strong entity phone in the Sakila database. Attributes and relationships are shown in the following diagram:The diagram uses Sakila naming conventions.
Solved 2.10 LAB - Implement independent entity (Sakila) - Chegg
Question: 2.10 LAB - Implement independent entity (Sakila) Implement a new independent entity phone in the Sakila database. Attributes and relationships are shown in the following diagram: has store 11/01 1101 has staff 110) phone phone_id 1 1/1) country code M-1111 100) phone number M-1(1) phone_type M-101 110) has customer 110) The diagram ...
mysql - Problems with subqueries using Sakila - Stack Overflow
Feb 23, 2018 · Using the Sakila DB, i am trying to get the Country name, the number of cities that a country have, and the number of addresses of a country. Using the next query i get the country and the cities number. SELECT CO.country,COUNT(CI.city_id) FROM city CI INNER JOIN country CO ON CO.country_id = CI.country_id GROUP BY CO.country;
Creating Actor Dimension for Sakila Data Warehouse
Jan 11, 2016 · I'm using Sakila sample database to create a data warehouse, to get to understand how data warehouses work ...
Solved 6.17 LAB - Nested aggregates (Sakila) Refer to the - Chegg
Question: 6.17 LAB - Nested aggregates (Sakila) Refer to the film and inventory tables of the Sakila database. The tables in this lab have the same columns and data types but fewer rows. Write a query that lists the titles of films with the fewest rows in the inventory table.