Help with changing a factory solid Saiga 12 stock to a folding stock
2020年5月18日 · Hi guys. New to the forum. I love my SAIGA 12 and had it long enough to start changing parts or modifying it. I can empty a 20 round drum as fast as my finger can pull with the lowest quality shells I can find. I hunt, shoot skeet and want to try 3 gun with it. The first thing I want to do is get rid of this plastic stock though.
BHO Bolt Hold Open modification - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2008年9月26日 · Thanks for the post and pictures. Tuesday evening, I was doing a conversion on my Saiga-12 and could not figure out how to install the safety lever with the BHO blocking the safety lever hole. I'm using the Tapco retaining plate, so the last part to go in is the safety lever or at least it was when I did my .223 Saiga conversion.
Gas port modifications for light loads? - forum.Saiga-12.com
2011年3月1日 · I have access to piles of cheap skeet and sporting clay loads for free. My Saiga 12 wont cycle them even with light-load setting and lighter spring. Ive read the gas block can be removed and the gas ports opened up to 90 thousands of an inch to improve light-load function. Im thinking this has be...
Short Barrel Conversion Advice - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2019年11月28日 · Hi. Im interested to turn my Saiga 12 into a short barrel. Need advice on: 1. What is a good size? Prefer the shortest possible but without affecting performance. 2. What is a good company for doing this mod? Dont want to do it myself. Money is an issue. Am on a budget but dont want to sacrifice ...
Where can I find a list showing date of ... - forum.Saiga-12.com
2011年11月27日 · who is the importer? and on the left side by the magwell there should be two numbers "98" =1998 and "00" is 2000 and so one also if you are the original owner you would have had a paper written in russian with a date in the …
Best Trigger guard conversion - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2011年2月5日 · This is the trigger guard I used on my first Saiga 12 conversion. It almost replicates the original but not exactly. I made an exact copy from an original AK 47 TG, but it was about six hours work. Yeah, alot of fileing and grinding which I fu*king hate to do. Anyway, I like this TG from AKbuilder and I also like the screw build rather than rivets.
what is the optimum hole size for the gas holes? - Saiga-12
2011年12月3日 · what is the optimum hole size for the gas holes? I have 3 and they are roughly 1/16 in size, my gun is seriously under gassed right now. I will try several other things before i resort to drilling up the holes, I just wanted to know if they are smaller than normal.
Exploded Parts Diagram - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2009年10月28日 · I hope this Americanized Saiga 12 exploded parts diagram helps clear up some confusion and some people find it helpful. I'd think that it could be useful for newbies trying to learn about this fantastic firearm, and could help them as a reference when converting, cleaning, and tinkering with their Saiga 12.
Mags for a Black Aces Tactical DTR? - forum.Saiga-12.com
2015年9月9日 · So within a few weeks, I expect to have my very own Black Aces Tactical DTR.. For those not familiar, it's a 12 gauge pump that takes Saiga mags, has an 8 1/2" barrel, but because of the way "shotgun" is defined in federal law, is legal without any NFA hoops.
what is the best ammo - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2009年6月24日 · i just bought the saiga-12g iz109. i looked though all the posts but didnt find the answer i was looking for. i havent shot the gun yet. so my question is what is the best ammo to use in this gun. i found at sportsman guide 200rds 2 3/412g 7 1/2 shot silver bear at $69.97 and 250rds.12g 2 3/4 wol...