The Saab 18 was a twin-engine bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, designed and built by Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB) for use by the Swedish Air Force in response to a 1938 design …
2017年6月1日 · The Saab B 18 is a light bomber and reconnaissance plane with three seats, two engines and a double tail, with a design similar to that of the Junkers Ju 86 and the Dornier Do …
Saab 18 var ett tvåmotorigt bomb- och attackflygplan från början konstruerat av ASJA och sedan tillverkat av Saab som användes i Sverige under andra världskriget. Saab 18 kom att göra …
The SAAB 18 was a twin-engine bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, designed and built for use by the Swedish Air Force by Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB) in response to a 1938 design …
In 1938, a requirement was put forth to Swedish aircraft manufacturers for a fast reconnaissance aircraft with a crew of three. SAAB was awarded the contract for the project and began to build …
2016年11月9日 · The first production version, bomber aircraft powered by two Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp radial piston engines. 62 built, all converted to S 18A standard 1946-47. [1] …
Saab 18 er et tomotoret bombe- og rekognosceringsfly designet og bygget af Svenska Aeroplan AB til det svenske Flygvapnet, der havde anmodet om udvikling af flyet i 1938. Som følge af …
SAAB 18 on 1930-luvun lopulla Ruotsissa suunniteltu keskiraskas pommikone. Kone oli ensisijaisesti pommituskone, sekä toissijaisesti torpedopommittaja merimaaleja vastaan. Niin …