SRP | Arizona electric power and water utility company
2025年2月27日 · Salt River Project has delivered low-cost, reliable power and water to Arizona for over 100 years. View plans, see outages, pay your bill, contact us and more.
SRP Power - Salt River Project
Log into your account or sign up today.
Pay your SRP bill | SRP - Salt River Project
Pay your SRP electric bill online with Visa, American Express, Discover and Mastercard credit cards, any debit card, Amazon Pay, PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Payments are processed by Paymentus, which accepts payments of up to $750 and charges a $2 processing fee for each transaction.
Contact SRP Customer Service | SRP - Salt River Project
SRP’s customer support is available 24/7, even on holidays. Contact us at (602) 236-8888 or [email protected]. Find more ways to get in touch here.
SRP Power - Salt River Project
M-Power Plan: Monitor your usage with the SRP M-Power Mobile App or My Account and purchase your power only when you need it. Say hello to energy savings and goodbye to monthly bills! Learn more »
Start saving with SRP rebates - Salt River Project
Learn how to cut costs and reduce your energy use with SRP rebates and discounts.
SRP Power - Salt River Project
SRP capital projects design & construction specification documents; Easements, leasing & licensing SRP-owned land; Electrical Safety Workshop; Help managing commercial electrical projects; Information for residential solar contractors; Information for commercial solar installers; Property managers. Will Serve letter process
View new and used equipment that SRP no longer needs. Find Equipment Place a bid or make an offer on available equipment.
SRPconnect - Salt River Project blog
Stories and more from your friends at Salt River Project. Providing water and power to the communities we serve for over a century.
News-worthy blogs from Salt River Project - SRPconnect Blog
SRPConnect News blog content from experts at Salt River Project. SRP delivers water and power to over a million customers in Phoenix, Arizona.