SR-3 Vikhr - Wikipedia
The SR-3 Vikhr (СР-3 Вихрь, Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian 9×39mm compact assault rifle. It was developed by A. D. Borisov, V. N. Levchenko and A. Tyshlykov at TsNIITochMash (Central Institute for Precision Machine Building) in the early 1990s and was manufactured in …
SR-3 Vikhr: A specialized silenced assault rifle in 9x39mm caliber
Jan 18, 2023 · After introducing the SR-3 Vikhr, the FSB established new operational requirements to combine the best qualities of the SR-3, AS Val, and VSS Vintorez, resulting in the creation of a new variant known as the SR-3M (СР-3М). The Vikhr is a variation of the Val but without an integral silencer.
SR-3M 9x39 compact assault rifle - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
The SR-3M 9x39 compact assault rifle (SR-3M) is an assault carbine in Escape from Tarkov. The SR-3M is a powerful assault rifle, featuring a very compact size comparable to submachine guns, but noticeably superior in terms of firepower due to the use of special armor-piercing ammunition.
SR3 Vikhr: Russian 9x39mm PDW - Forgotten Weapons
Sep 2, 2024 · The SR-3 Vikhr is mechanically based on the AS-VAL and VSS Vintorez rifles, but built to be a very compact personal defensive weapon instead of a silenced rifle. Still chambered for 9×39, the Vikhr is intended for roles like executive protection, where the priority is being compact and concealable.
三角洲行动 版本最强势近战武器SR3M!两种最高上限,满射程和 …
【S】 SR3M 紧凑型 突击步枪 冲锋枪 9X39 SR3M满改与性价比高稳定高上限改法 本期鉴定为:S,版本最恐怖的近战武器之一。 优点:48超高甲伤,36超高肉伤,从来不演,都是瞬秒。 除了修脚维克托有一战之力,同装备射程内没有对手。 缺点:冲锋枪通病低射程,子弹飞行速度在冲锋枪中也算慢的了。 额外补充:SR3M虽然基础射程19米,但是衰减幅度是冲锋枪中最低的,最 …
SR-3M 小型突 击步枪 - 枪炮世界
根据用户报告, SR-3M 是优秀的CQB工具,性能可靠,有效射程可达100~150米,在穿透硬障碍后还具有相当好的停止作用。 而且由于9×39本身就是专用的亚音速弹,因此作为消声武器使用时也效果很好。 在2012年, SR-3M 推出了一种改进型,命名为 SR-3MP,这个型号在机匣顶部增加了皮卡汀尼导轨,方便了安装时下俄罗斯作战人员所流行的西方红点镜,不过 SR-3MP 最特 …
The Best SR-3M Compact Build for Delta Force - zilliongamer
5 days ago · Our SR-3M Compact is focused on making this SR-3M Compact become more deadly in the Close Range fights and also has ability to Aim-Duel in Mid Range Combat as well by improving a big Recoil Control stats, some Bullet Fire Accuracy & Stability stats to this gun.
轻武器科普——SR-3M小型突击步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
根据用户报告,SR-3M是优秀的CQB工具,性能可靠,有效射程可达100~150米,在穿透硬障碍后还具有相当好的停止作用。 而且由于9×39本身就是专用的亚音速弹,因此作为消声武器使用时也效果很好。 SR3M的机械瞄具不像AS VAL那样安装在消声器上,因为SR3M的消声器是可选配件. 在2012年,SR-3M推出了一种改进型,命名为SR-3MP,这个型号在机匣顶部增加了皮卡汀尼 …
三角洲S3唯一T0武器SR-3M最强改枪方案! - 哔哩哔哩
没有之一!真正的版本答案sr-3m!又稳又秒,“标枪?鸡肋!”,萤火和暗区三角洲比起来,那真的啥都不是!!! #三角洲行动 #暗区突围 #萤火突击,三角洲行动 m7掉出t0强度!新赛季大口径武器影响分析!,又有新方法白嫖蝴蝶刀?
SR-3M - Stalcraft Item DB
Detailed information page for Stalcraft item SR-3M, including auction history, barter recipes and information about which other items can be bartered with it.