r/SQL on Reddit: [Please Solve] How to subtract one group sum …
2021年8月30日 · What I am trying to figure out is a efficient way to sum all the amount of type in and subtract it from the sum of all amount of type out. so the ins are negative and the outs are positive SELECT SUM(amount * CASE WHEN type = 'in' THEN …
Finding MAX of SUM - who makes max purchases? : r/SQL - Reddit
2021年8月6日 · SELECT CustomerID, SUM(ORDER_TOTAL) AS sums FROM ?table_name? GROUP BY CustomerID; If you group the sums by customer, you get the order total sums for each customer with sum function. Then we will use this table query (subquery) as new table in the big query. SELECT CustomerID, MAX(sums) FROM ( SELECT CustomerID, …
r/SQL on Reddit: What does this statement mean: You cannot …
2022年8月12日 · Basically what it says. You can use aggregate functions (SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG etc.) in a query in two possible contexts: With a GROUP BY statement: SELECT account, SUM(amount) FROM sales GROUP BY account. With a PARTITION BY clause (aka a window function): SELECT account, MAX(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY account) FROM sales
SQL equivalent of SUMIF, in same table as the data : r/SQL - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · Sum computes the total for all rows (in the appropriate groups from the "GROUP BY"), by putting the case inside the sum you force certain rows to zero. By having the sum inside the case you'd get the total (for everything) or force it …
How to select columns without having in group by statement?
2020年4月7日 · If you want to sum things up without grouping you need to use the SUM with OVER and PARTITION. this will sum up everything with out having to use group by. But the SUM will be written for every row partition by the column you chose.
Why does SUM() return different values for the same data? : r/SQL …
2016年5月10日 · I swear the SQL server isn't a 90's era Pentium machine so I'd expect it to be able to do floating point operations consistently, but it seems random which of these 2 values i get back. It isn't a sql server issue. It is a floating point issue.
Need help guys! SQL SUM function is aggregating the integer
2022年1月11日 · When I'm trying to sum the values in these hour columns and group by another column called XYZ, I'm not getting the sum of the values in the hour column but instead the integer column name is summing itself.
[SQL Server] Trailing 12-Month Rolling Aggregate Sums Question
2017年12月24日 · 185K subscribers in the SQL community. The goal of /r/SQL is to provide a place for interesting and informative SQL content and discussions.
Sum / partition vs sum / group. : r/SQLServer - Reddit
2022年8月27日 · Of course it doesn't make sense to SUM a single value, but the partition by allows much finer controls ovnd flexibility over subgroups, running totals and use of ROW_NUMBER() for things other than ranking like de-duplicating.
(Help request) Sql query to remove zero sum : r/SQL - Reddit
2020年9月10日 · My answer is for sql server but it may translate. It would help to see the query and some sample data. depending on where in the query this data is coming from you could pick a few different routes. You could use a MySQL equivalent to the CASE expression if you wan to eliminate the zeros in the SELECT statement or like u/r3pr0b8 said you could ...