SOP8 Package Information 3.8 Packing Method 1 reel(s) or less per unit box 3.9 Packing Style 5 unit boxes or less per shipping box (unit:mm) Shipping Box Dimension X 372 Y 368 Z 305 3.10 Label Specification www.rohm.com 5/8 TSZ02201-SOP8-1-2 ©2016 ROHM Co., Ltd.
SOP-8 - Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
On this page you can find the dimensions and packing method for Toshiba Semiconductor's SOP-8 package.
So-8 vs soic-8 vs sop-8 - Footprints - KiCad.info Forums
2023年5月18日 · So msop8 and msop10 have the same 3.0mm-wide body, but some manufactures call the msop8 a micro8, or uMAX8. Some even call it a tssop8 – but this is narrower than a real tssop8 (with a 4.4mm body), so I call it tssop8N to distinguish.
SOP8 Datasheet(PDF) - Rohm
ROHM Semiconductor is a Japanese semiconductor company that was founded in 1958. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of a wide range of products including …
packages - Difference between ESOP-8 and SOP-8? - Electrical ...
It looks like both the parts you have linked are in a variant of SOP-8 with a large pad on the bottom for better thermal dissipation, which is being variously reffered to as "ESOP-8" (tpower LCSC page), "SOP8-PP" (tpower datasheet), "SOP-8_EP_150mil" (nanjing LCSC page) and "8 引脚 SOP-PP" (nanjing datasheet)
SOP 封装 和 SOIC 封装的区别——细微差别,可以混用_sop8 …
2020年6月24日 · SOP 是一个比较通用的叫法,后来才有了 SOIC 的封装,SOIC 封装在外形上和 SOP 几乎一样。 差异在管脚上, SOIC 更加细,据说是为了减少占地面积。 以下是引脚尺寸图对比。 SOIC-8 的焊盘宽度是 0.6mm,SOP-8 的焊盘宽度是 0.65mm, 综合对比完全可以互相替换。 插播一条反爬虫信息,读者可以忽略: 芯片的封装技术已经历了好几代的变迁,从 DIP …
SOP-8 EEPROM – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
EEPROM BR25H128F-2AC is a 128Kbit Serial EEPROM of SPI BUS interface method. SOP-8 EEPROM are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for SOP-8 EEPROM.
SOP-8 | 东芝半导体&存储产品中国官网
On this page you can find the dimensions and packing method for Toshiba Semiconductor's SOP-8 package.
SOP8和8SOP封装一样吗?SOP8与8SOP封装的比较与区别-深圳市 …
SOP8(Small Outline Package 8)是一种小型轮廓封装,具有8个引脚。 它通常用于小型化、低功耗的电子元件中,如微控制器、电源管理芯片和通信接口芯片等。 SOP8封装的特点包括: 引脚排列:引脚通常排列在封装的两侧,每侧4个引脚,引脚间距较小,通常为1.27毫米或更小。 封装尺寸:SOP8封装的尺寸较小,适合紧凑型设计,能够节省PCB空间。 应用广泛:由于其小型化 …
SOP-8 N-Channel MOSFETs – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
SOP-8 N-Channel MOSFETs are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for SOP-8 N-Channel MOSFETs.